(1) When they become actual friends with whom I spend time outside of work or (2) when one of us leaves and I genuinely want to stay in touch with them. Everybody else gets LinkedIn
(1) When they become actual friends with whom I spend time outside of work or (2) when one of us leaves and I genuinely want to stay in touch with them. Everybody else gets LinkedIn
Season 10 in particular is dedicated to writing a novel, from start to finish. Other seasons have great stuff too, of course.
Or, y’know, this one: http://www.writingexcuses.com produced by best-selling authors.
omfg thank you! I hate the continuous scroll!! ANNOYING!!
omfg thank you! I hate the continuous scroll!! ANNOYING!!
Apparently not.
Apparently not.
TaoTronics Wireless In-Ear Earbuds...
TaoTronics Wireless In-Ear Earbuds...
I’m not talking about people who use female AND male with the same frequency. But people who use “female” to address women and “men/man” to address men.
Bad news for you: It’s been a decade and I still haven’t gotten used to it.
Yup, it’s pretty annoying... I’m still new to the iPhone world, so maybe I’m not through adapting yet. You can have several ‘pages’ much like android, so I keep the first page pretty sparse. The really annoying bit is you can’t put them where you want on the screen, the UI will always stack them, so you can’t arrange…
It might be because I’ve never owned an iPhone (and would likely adapt over time if I did) but just like my computer desktop, I need it simplistic as possible and all those icons in the default view would drive me crazy. I’d probably stick to just a couple folders on my main screen.
We love these IKEA food storage containers. You get 17 for $5.99, and they are great for packing lunches. They aren’t leak-proof with liquids, but do an awesome job with everything else. We also love all the small sizes for sandwiches and snacks. The lids work for a few of the bottom sizes which is nice too. They also…
We love these IKEA food storage containers. You get 17 for $5.99, and they are great for packing lunches. They…
Let’s just make this the new #7. Because the current #7.... wait a second...
Fair enough. In this day and age, I totally understand the confusion!
Fair enough. In this day and age, I totally understand the confusion!
Wait...I thought I was supposed to start every post with a blanket statement!
Wait...I thought I was supposed to start every post with a blanket statement!
Don’t say that. I nearly got fired, because I refused to wear a skirt to work. Belief me if your boss tries you to force you to wear a skirt you won’t think women’s office clothing so freeing anymore. Some women are even forced to wear heels. That’s even worse.
As a woman, this made me chuckle a bit because the grass is always greener on the other side of the fence, you know? Dressing professionally is so much easier for men, I think. There’s no mystery about it: Wear a suit or slacks and a shirt. To get those things, you go to a store and pick out the elements that fit your…
Ask Richard Christy. He wears them to concerts so he can avoid missing his favorite songs to use the bathroom.
Well...I wore them as a way to contain lochia after I had a baby.
Are you arguing that people wear adult diapers for reasons other than incontinence?
But then that also means we can all wear camouflage pajamas (ACUs) or scrubs in said meetings. Unless you’re in the medical field or the military, clearly not appropriate. There has to be a line drawn somewhere. I draw that line at not having to attend powerpoint meetings in the first place.