In that case, I suppose it IS available to everyone. Thanks for the reply and info. Sadly, a Verizon contract option doesn't help me much. I'm presently using an AT&T phone on Straight Talk, and my family is considering moving to Solavei, only because there are enough of us (20, not counting nieces & nephews coming of…
I'm using the Super Nexus 4.1.2 (Build 5) ROM on my GS2 i777, since still no official JB from the combined Samsung & AT&T, so I don't know if this will help, or even if it really helps me, even. My testing has been less than extensive.
I've got an 8 or 9 year old Inspiron that is still in use. It's not at the front of the pack, certainly, but it functions just fine, and isn't super-laggy either. Standard use, however (browsing, videos, typing, etc.), it does great with.
You're not alone in that last bit. Showing OMWF has actually been what finally convinced a few friends to watch the show, too. I knew they'd like it, but they wouldn't give it a chance. Showed them Dr. Horrible, they wanted more, so I said "I got more Joss Whedon musical, sure!" and now I got 'em!
Excellent re-emphasis! Currently using wired connection, but when I go wireless I plan on this.
Oh, I'm sure everyone loves that you prepared this, regardless of complaints and comments. It's just that we're a bunch of people who nit-pick by nature. Just slap a few of us and the rest will turn their mockery onto your victims. ;)
Now, to get that super-strength superhero to visit and give a firm handshake to my coal! I wonder what his Black Friday plans are...
Ah, I did not realize that it was a traditional name. That at least gives some sense to it, though perhaps it'd be worth mentioning that briefly in the article for those who are not longtime patrons of the site? Though my real suggestion would be to modify the title to just say "geeks" or "nerds" or "non-jocks" or…
Game of Thrones, Hobbit, and Fairy Tales? Meredith, how do you come by classifying those as "Science Fiction?"
I remember that when I was in Brazil (11 years ago) I encountered a particularly intriguing (to me) lock type. It wasn't different so much in the basic concept - still a pin and tumbler, after all - but in that it had four sets of teeth on a single key.
During its restructuring, I always thought that GM (but could be any company, really) should have approached Tesla Motors about licensing your tech with the intent to make a line of vehicles using the Tesla technology, but designed for lower budgets - my thought was that they might be able to sacrifice distance and…
In my book, this one from GE is way better, and for just $5.19 it's about 1/5 the price. Gives you 6 outlets on 3 faces, and built in surge protection with a reset button/switch.