
That’s entirely correct. It’s about as boring and potentially harmful as, say, alcohol. Which makes it kinda dumb that it’s still (federally) illegal.

This makes me so sad.

Maryland fans are certainly bad, worse than most even, but they have nothing on Mountaineer fans. EVERY time WVU comes to play at Maryland, visiting fans chant about Len Bias's death. I have never heard anyone from any other school bring up Len Bias as a taunt. And just check twitter for the alarming number of WVU

from years of following their dad's teams, these girls have sure learned how to spot a rapist.

Maryland fan, I was at the game last night in Columbus. I have never heard an opposing team's fans so vulgar and vile. Two WVU fans next to us were escorted out by police after continuing to be vulgar and threatening remaining Dayton fans from the last game. My friends in another section sat next to a delightful woman

That name dropping paragraph was turrrible, but you do realize your biggest article each week is a blatant rip off of his mailbag, right? You mail that in as much as anything Simmons does.

Yup, these are his readers.

He didn't actually miss time with the thumb injury; it was a deep paper cut he got typing up his retirement letter.