
I love that game, and it's still my favorite racing game of all time. It was freaking hard too. Beating it on very hard is still my greatest gaming achievement, and I doubt I'll ever top it.

I already get like 300 fps on it, how much more optimized can it get?

You know, if they just came out and said, "We're doing it to help fight piracy", than I would be OK with that. I wouldn't like it, but I could live with it. It's when they have all these weak excuses that people start getting ticked off.

The past two days I've been all excited to get home and play Xenoblade, and yet when I get home I have a thousand things pop up that prevent me from playing. It's getting annoying. I just want to sit down and play my games. Being an adult and having responsibilities is lame sometimes. :(

Let's put it this way, when I first tried Windows 8 I hated it. It just didn't work for me on my desktop, but when I saw that I suddenly understood what they are going for. It looks cool, and it has potential. I hope they can pull it off right, cause if they can it looks like it will be awesome.

I replaced the cartridge connector in my NES, and now it works the first time, every time. It's kind of weird not having to fight with it to get a game working.

Hmm, I've got this on the Wii, but I never finished it. Now I need to figure out if I want to just finish it on the Wii, buy this version, or play it on the Dolphin emulator.

Nope. As much as I wish that was a puppet, it's not. It caused a big controversy among the fans. There were a lot of people who considered leaving the fandom over it, but somehow it ended up just becoming a joke. We all laughed at it and moved on.

Me too. :(

Oh that thing, it did cause quite a crap storm among bronies. Though we did get some funny comics with alternate uses for it. Sometimes the only way to deal with something that horrible and embarrassing is to just laugh at it.

I know what you mean man, I know what you mean. I'm not really a Kora fan, but Transformers Prime needs some love too, especially with it's awesome version of Starscream.

Now playing

You know, I can defend these articles when they are in the Off Kilter block or have some video game tie in, but this is just a random pony article with nothing to do with video games. I'm a big pony fan, and this feels forced even to me. I think you all might want to keep the pony stuff in the appropriate places.

I bought it off of Shapeways. Some guy made the model and labeled it as "Stylized Cartoon Horse DJ"

I love the open world of Paradise, but I wish that when you were in a race it would wall off the route for you. That way the races would play out a bit more like Burnout 3.

If I was Nintendo I would send them a free dev-kit to play around with. It's a bit of a risk giving it away for free, but if Blizzard likes it and decides to make a Wii U game, than that would be a real differentiator between the Wii U and the other consoles.

Boba Fett gets all the fillies?

Yep, it's an old model kit I got back when I was really into Pokemon. It's got a little clockwork mechanism it it, it's pretty cool.

Oh God, they're multiplying. They've moved from just one shelf to two, how long until they take over the whole apartment? Boba Fett, do your job and keep them in line.

You eat candy for breakfast!?

If anyone answers Grape Nuts than I'm going to punch them in the face through the internet.