
A double post, and my image not working. I'm just failing left and right today. :(

They're part of a balanced breakfast!

Their part of a balanced breakfast!

Maybe I'm just getting old, but I was a bit disappointed to not see Oatmeal Squares on there. I ended up just going with Huney Nut Cheerios instead.

"their cards have the best Linux performance."

I don't like pink, especially that shade of pink. I just don't find it aesthetically pleasing at all. I much prefer bolder colors. In terms on colors that are stereotypically "girly" purple is much better.

I have all 3 consoles, so I didn't miss out on anything. Besides, I would disagree, I think several of the games I played on the Wii are just as good as the ones you mentioned, but that's just my opinion.

I don't really care if the Wii I appeals to the "hardcore". If it did we would end up with 3 near identical experiences across systems. The Wii wasn't "hardcore" but it was different, and I still had a ton of fun with it. If the Wii U gives me the same amount of fun than I'll be perfectly happy.

Hard drives may be an older tech, but they are still fascinating. From a design point of view they are much more impressive than SSDs. Heck. the fact that there are hard drives that can be moved while in use is a freaking engineering miracle.

If they want the next console to run at 1080p than it will need to be more powerful. Most games on the 360 run at between 540p and 720p and are upscale to 1080. 1080p has 2.25 times the amount of pixels as 720p, so keep the same graphics and run at 1080p the console has to be at around 2x the power of the 360. Now if

The name is far too similar to the Wii. It, like the 3DS, will cause market confusion. I understand the desire to keep the Wii name, but they should have added more than just a "U" to the end of it.

The games don't look any better so far, but that could be because they are mostly just ports, and Nintendo is just getting into doing HD graphics, so there's a bit of a learning curve. Of course, you could be right, but we won't know for sure until we find out what the real specs are.

I hope this isn't right, as a 6x performance increase is not enough to get the kind of visuals we're seeing from Epic and Square's next gen demos. Though I guess if it is real, and the rumor about he Wii U being 2 to 4x the power of the 360 is true, than it means that the Wii U will be able to play ports of 720 games

Now playing

I do freaking love Journey. They are still my favorite band, and this song is my favorite (at the moment at least, ask me tomorrow and I'll probably give you a different one).

I took my NES apart to clean it and to try to bend the cartridge connector pins back into place. It did help a bit, but I think it's time to buy a new 72-pin connector.

Not bad, but I really wish they would have backed the camera up a bit. It felt like I was flying into their faces.

I played a ton of MGO when it first came out. I got pretty good at it, but when the first expansion came out it split the player-base and I left. I honestly had forgotten about it until this past week. I kind of wish I would have gotten in one last game or two before it went down. Oh well.

He only does everything!

Now playing

The show itself didn't age very well, but the theme song is just as good as ever.

This Optimus feels like he's based quite a bit on the War Within Prime.