
My new goal in life is to be able to beat Mario 1 in under 5 minutes. I know the record speed run is faster than that, so it's doable. So far the farthest I've made it is 8-3, I got to the end of the level and died climbing up the stairs before the flag. I'm doing it on the NES to prevent myself from being tempted to

This is the only toy I want them to show. I know Takara is there, so I expect to find out more.

Sonic R didn't fare very well, but don't worry, the music still works fine. And now Living in the City will be stuck in my head for days.

Goldeneye looks surprisingly good too.

Because the Gamecube can't render games at 1080p.

I've been playing with the Dolphin emulator some more. I finally got around to ripping the audio DSP files from my Wii, so I should be able to try out Mario Galaxy with sound now. I have to say though, my favorite is still F-Zero GX. It's just so dang pretty in HD.

I bought a 3DS at launch, and I learned my lesson. Now, even though I want a Vita, I'm going to wait and see what happens.

For me it would be

Cheese, it's tasty!

Now playing

I discovered this song today. I never really pictured a Vinyl Scratch themed song having a saxophone, but it works surprisingly well.

Nope, it's not an SLR. I don't remember what model it is, but it's nothing special. It's one of those ones that looks like a smaller SLR, and it does give you a bunch of the same controls and options, so it's not bad for learning on.

I like taking pictures of toys, as it's fun and a decent way to get used to my camera settings. I figured my facebook friends might be getting annoyed at my constant stream of robots, so last week I decided to start up a tumblr as a place to put all the pics. I didn't really expect to get any attention, as it's mostly

Man, the difference between SNES and Genesis music is really obvious listening to these. They had very different sounds to them.

It's filmed off of a TV, so the colors are wrong. I'm assuming that a direct feed video would have colors similar to the PS3 version.

To be fair, I'm sure the PC version looks pretty similar too, and PCs are way more powerful than current consoles. A port doesn't really show what the hardware can do.

Here's the PS3 shot.

Here's another couple of shots to compare.

People who have multiple consoles might want to get the best version. If I'm going to spend money on a game, I want to get the best experience possible.

I'm pretty sure the PS3 version is a direct recording, and not being filmed off of a screen. Though it does look compressed as heck.

The PS3 may support 1080p, but it doesn't have the horsepower to run most games at it. Based on the rumored specs, the Wii U should be able to run at native 1080p. I don't know if it will or not, but it should be capable of it.