
It looks like the WiiU does have better textures and the shadows appear to be a tad smoother. Other than that it's kind of hard to make any comparisons given the limitations of the footage.

And here is the PS3 version.

This isn't the best comparison in the world. The Wii U version is filmed off of a TV, and the PS3 version appears to have more compression. Regardless, I thought I would make a couple screenshots to do an easier comparison.

Considering that simply seeing an image of a purple unicorn compelled you to come in here and bash us, I would say it's pretty obvious you hate us. Your actions speak way louder than your words.

Who here is actively seeking out attention? The bronies are posting about pony in an article about pony, while you, on the other hand, are coming into an article that is obviously about pony, and complaining about the people here.

1. Why did you click it than?

So all that music the fandom has done is just ironic? What about all the stories, art, charities, conventions, podcasts, custom toys, etc? I don't care if you like us or not, but don't delude yourself into thinking we are doing this ironically. If it was an ironic thing it would have never gone this far.

Who likes it ironically?

Now playing

Screw it, it's random pony video time! Huzzah!

Or if they do, they keep coming back as zombies.

I guess he's just a nurse.

"Less creepy artwork from other parts of the community would be cool though... just sayin'"

Oh come on, you used that line but not a picture of Mr Horse? I am disappointed in you.

Most of Kotaku East stuff has nothing to do with gaming either, heck,about a third of Kotaku has nothing to do with gaming these days. At least this is showing fan games.

The editing is bad enough that I couldn't finish this when it was posted on EQD, and I still can't finish it here. The idea is OK, but a bit more effort would have made it much better.