
Is this game just an excuse to watch Lara get the crap beat out of her? Seems kind of brutal.

Are they seriously taking this much time to show a web browser?

Hey guys, remember when E3 was about video games?

This is going to be so awesome!

I just finished ME3 a few weeks ago, and I will give you some advice that I wish I would have known about before playing. Don't worry about the galaxy at war thing. It doesn't really matter in the end, so just enjoy the game and don't worry about getting a meaningless percentage built up.

I decided to hook up the NES the other day, and I've been having a ton of fun with it. I beat Metalstorm and Mario 3 again. Now my personal goal is to beat Mario 1 in under 5 minutes. The furthest I've made it is about halfway through level 8-3.

I was off the internet when it first showed up, but from what I've heard everyone was really angry about it at first (I think it got so bad that even Sibsy was telling people to calm down about it), but then they all seemed to start coming up with ridiculous uses for it. This one is probably my favorite of the ones

I find "Wara wara" to be really had to say, so I'm just going to call it the dashboard.

And they all copied the Vectrex controller, because it was the best.

This seems useful for this thread.

But the PS controllers were originally based off of the SNES controllers. So Nintendo has really copied themselves! WHAT A TWIST!

What!? Who the heck is Crashplan? It looks like this Humble Indie Bundle might turn into a three way competition, and hopefully that means more money for charity.

Ah, but if you take his example of "correcthorsebatterstaple" and try to brute force it (for this I'm assuming it can only use letters and numbers), than with capital letters the worst case scenario is it would have to go through 6.45*10^44 guesses to get the password. If you remove capital letters it goes down to

For those interested, here's what Need for Speed looked like after I got AA working.

From what I've heard [] passwords are not case sensitive. That is a huge security issue, and might be contributing the all the hacking.

Because sometimes when horrible things happen in a fandom, the best thing to do is make fun of it and laugh it off.

This isn't in the G1 cartoon continuity, so they were able to make a new backstory for the Dinobots.

The bathrooms at work have made me decide that if there is ever a human/robot war, I'm taking the robot's site. Seriously, you would think that college educated adult men would know how to use a toilet.

Now playing

For some reason, watching other people scream at video games is incredibly funny to me.

Does it have to be wireless? If not than I highly recommend the Logitech G5 or G500. I think they might have a wireless version, but I always stay clear of wireless mice. Since you say you are using an iMac I assume that you aren't moving it around, so I don't see a real downside to wired mice on a desktop.