Back then weeklies dailies and a strike or two a day would get you a decent piece a weekweek, two with xur. It wasn’t as bad unless you were in some rush to level cap which once you reached you’d sit at for months.
Back then weeklies dailies and a strike or two a day would get you a decent piece a weekweek, two with xur. It wasn’t as bad unless you were in some rush to level cap which once you reached you’d sit at for months.
Its raining exotics and people are sad
Seems like the most obvious thing to do.
No because a map pack alone is booty and I don’t play either of those fames
Highest level old equipment unfortunately is now simply old equipment. It was max usefulness for a period of time and could be acquired for a period of time. If someone doesn’t want higher level gear then why would they be trying to play higher level activities? It’s the same as before simply a new cap. If you weren’t…
Dunno why but I love it. Maybe because every other controller made is so symmetrical. But most likely because its ugly and people hate it
I can tell that you are upset and you do not mean to use that word literally, but please. you were not sniped with a shotgun. you were shot. you were close you had some idea of his proximity to you.
I haven’t played since... Well yknow the last one. But back then I couldn’t care about the details of balance if that even matters here. But should a gun that fires so fast be that accurate from so far away?
You have to get very close but yes. I don’t know what everyone expected compared to a shotgun. It’s a one hit ko why would you win against that with an auto rifle. But regardless what they said in this 2.0 patch notes was just like what they said in the previous weapon balance patch notes.
Bungie: welcome to year two suckas! Wait until taken king actually drops! We don’t know wtf is gonna happen, but well fix it later.
And technically sadly elemental resistance.
But no crucible marks and only vanguard marks from pe, and weekly strikes. That’s not enough for a purchase.
Ah good old Hakan from Turkey. Hot wife
I’ve prayed to dark gods for capcom resurgence of so many classic characters by whatever means. From final fight to obscure arcade fighters and brawlers even to snk stuff. But EX is on the top of my dark wish list.
Its cool. We all have our preferences. I don’t find the story all that amazing but the world and its inhabitants did and still do stand out compared to many other commercial ventures. That and the animation + choreography. Sweet Jesus, I think avatar has exceeded since, granted they kinda had to given their source…
I love how angry every one in these comments. Like no lie I’ve got popcorn right now. This is my daily equivalent to a raging misandryst getting her first small jar if male tears from Amazon prime.
What if it was by the creative team behind samurai jack
These are pretty cool. I like the redesigns and the western influence. As someone who didnt play vii and can’t wait for the remake this gets me ready like hell.
To this day I’m looking for something in the middle of the road but those are really the two options. Either tactical to the extreme or Hollywood blockbuster ad nauseum
Time for new players to restart a vicious cycle of ignoring story while complaining they want more.