
I see you read a few. But I’ll take post skolas capture as both.

There are two options. Destiny tight controls and godlike gunfeel, fashion a ten year long currently unfolding story and repetitive (not a good or bad thing just what it is) and borderlands, a game with crazy inventive weapons, though not resistance level, a good story, fleshed out characters and skill trees and okay

Notice all of those other words typed in english as well? People make mistakes. Though yknow a proofread never hurts


Long story short. Some people think the game is great, some people do not. Congrats. This is the situation with every game ever. The end. Good night and good luck.

You’re right its not a destiny site. Its just that so many people are enjoying it that they can’t help but say things about it good and bad, all over the internet not just here. That tends to happen. And even this particular piece is not pro or anti destiny. Its simply saying we are doing a thing. The argument could

I get that and I’m on the anti acti side but bungie had a job. Their heads had a job, and Marty was disrupting work. Was it all to get fired so he could sue? Who knows, but the facts remains he wasn’t doing his work and disrupting many around him. As a boss in that position, you’ve gotta make that hard choice.

I take it you were hurt? Most people are likely playing as opposed commenting. Good luck in your weird crusade against how people have fun.

Hold onto them.

You just said a shit ton of people would not back him up, but that is wrong. That’s the only thing up for debate. Many people like it, many people do not. That does not make it a bad game.

What’s the comparison to an mmo that isn’t a relaunch and its first expansion releases a year after launch. I don’t know how many MMOs have done that however. I remember many of them costing more at launch, around 60

When you pull back in perspective yes. Its a way, every enemy is every war is trying to kill you and usually as efficiently as possible. See, guns. And once again like I’ve stated we’ve both played monster hunter which. Yes those variants are unique to fight against. You’ll use different strategies and tactics and

Hundreds of unique creatures? Hundreds? Skipping past the part where so many are variations of another please check your numbers again.

Some gamers never grow up and still embrace impulsive angry outbursts. I’d say like 15% though they’re loud so it feels like a bajillion.

I’d say the major difference between borderlands and this, while similar, is the base being reality. Pandora was free range creatively a new planets with no rules, where as out glorious milky way so far shown no signs of much other significant life. One on hand they’re working rather closely with Nassau to be accurate

Yeah you’re right I an ignorant of the games flaws. Because I reserve judgement on and fps companies first outing into the mmo scene. And because this is my first serious outing. Few people take into consideration how many people have never given any type of fps a serious try I.e. commitment before destiny and what

“Spending 10 hours running the same exact strike mission in the hopes of getting a decent legendary loot drop is NOT a fun level grind either.” Good sir you have been doing it absolutely wrong then.

Perhaps because console players create for themselves a stigma of impatience? Based on the image they put out, I don’t think any halo fan would level a character to max in a game like wow. Destiny sped that up immensely and still people say it takes too long. You can get geardrops from a number of activities over the

Blame acti.

If you come at destiny like cod or halo with such a mindset no. If you come at it like phantasy star wow or monster hunter than yes. If you want the story to put you on a pedestal than no. If you can deal with your exploits and actions being the actual meat than yes. There is still a world around it. It is essentially