
Here’s the bottom line. Is it repetitive yes. Is that bad. No. Its personal preference. Some people like to buy action games like going to the movies and like spending on them to be disappointed by each one in a unique way only to be satiated with a couple of patches over its lifespan until it simply dies. Sad but

Is it because it is an fps? Are you focusing on the action or the reward? There really is only one type of grind right? A grind fest would be still looking for loot caves despite the fact that you can get gear in any number of ways, with more constantly added. Its essentially an mmo with greater agency and control,

Its not over yet. Its the first year, literally prologue and chapter one. Its just beginning.

But it doesn’t end there, and whatever destiny 2 is, it will be that way because of the players and because everything will carry over from the first title.

Except its always weird with live games, and double for a studios first time. Especially for an fps, the atmosphere around which is now always everything should be in at launch and there should be more. Except there’s a lot of work involved and preparation as well. Two console generations and Activision publishing

I am not angry about it but I feel the same way, though I have a feeling that given the recently announced additions something of the like is in the works. We went from mostly guns to swords and hammers oh my. I’d be very interested in seeing the type of encounters they’d design against future insane hostile alien

I feel like such a wet towel for not liking goku at times, for a reason not dissimilar from certain peoples annoyance with superman. In any fan conversation, he’s the equivalent of michael Jordan, unbeatable but only because he was written that way. Yes he has died before but that means how much.

I only came to make sure final fantasy tactics was on the list. Good.

It is a different landscape, unapologetically motivated by a PC perspective. Deej has gone on record about his stance on clans in part because its true. The rewards are worth it and the community you build is memorable. I still remember the first time I cleared vog with my second clan, though now disbanded. It was a

Its kind of about preference. Looking around the fps landscape yes borderlands was entertaining for borderlands, and for halo fans as was halo. Destiny’s approach like many MMOs is that you’re actions are the story. For many people it is not enough. And in addition to a million npcs many of which youd meet once your

It doesn’t exist without ammo, simply a handle. If you’ll play with us all in two weeks, project s.a.b.e.r. and its building story will fill you in, if that idea hurts your soul I’m sorry and we will fill you in as soon as we beat the quest

Lololololol did you hear about the world of Warcraft beta that just ended when they released warlords of draenor? Its a live fps game, not a beta. Grow up and grow open.

You guys are both averse to fps MMOs nothing wrong with that and nothing wrong those games either. That does not make the games bad. And as for price if you feel it wasn’t worth your time or you didn’t want to invest anything else that’s cool but it doesn’t reflect the opinion of people who enjoy it, or wow for that

Add to that dealing with shifting to producing not simply for ps3 and 360 at the time but also next gen consoles, a game type (always online) they’d never made before, a volatile genre fan base, a year late release, and a mean contract with Activision the closest thing to true bad guys whom are never mentioned because

Are you on crack cocaine or do you really not pay attention to the greater gaming landscape? I know some cod bros and more reasonable fps fans have anger issues but really that was some piece ofof ignorant fuck you just wrote down.

You mean 1.5 hour experience. seriously the amount of work to find a crew is no where near the needless waiting happening if you sit around waiting for it to happen. Maybe its so much of the classic fps mindset, not an insult to you, but its so worth it to find people to play with consistently. The longer you wait the more solidified

Even for a dude named canon that was a ridiculous and stupid thing to type but internet right? Eat a snickers

Except realm reborn was one huge reboot and destiny has been getting better since day one. For the people who aren’t filled with hate and were willing when bungie said a year ago we are just getting started its been improving monthly really.