@phinehas: me too, is something wrong with me that the more it sucks the more i love it
@phinehas: me too, is something wrong with me that the more it sucks the more i love it
@sarah.not.palin.is.due.in.eight.months: rock on! And she doesn't have a pretty end.
As a young woman in South Florida, Zora taught me about Florida, about being a woman, about how hard is hard and marvelling at what an evocative and unique writer she was.
@Meg: I always thought 420 was more their speed.
@Cerridwen: The Way the Crow Flies is good too
@llsie: I love, love, love, Anne Marie MacDonald, don't be afraid of the Oprah endorsement of Fall on Your Knees—
Its hard to be any sort of sports mom without at least some disposable income, transportation and usually a partner in child rearing—-so I think you can draw the important distinctions being made.
@Jeangenie: Of course, I mean watching TDS and Colbert Report on a time shifted device. And I too jumped out of my seat about the possiblility of another green screen challenge!
@SomnambulantHobbit: She's married to Jason Jones—and he plays such a perfect, in his own words, douchebag.
My shallow little family of EANGS and EANBS were totally excited to see how much of McCain's speech was in front of a virtual green screen—bring on the Colbert 'Make McCain Exciting Green Screen Challenge'.
@Gumbina80: Women need to give one another a break.
@GOPG8R: I see as a Gator fan that you probably still live there.
@beverlywriter: that is a favorite refrain in my life. GET OUT OF FLORIDA—Man, any time you hear of the most f'ed up stories, yup, Florida.
I have been reluctantly following this case—mostly because I see the dysfunction of my own family mirrored in this one. Thankfully no missing kids in our fam, but my mom and dad forbid my oldest sister from getting an abortion and I swear, they doomed my nieces from that point. A long sad, repeating story.
Oh my god, my daughter caught a HUGE catfish with that fishing pole.
He also really doesn't like Nicole Kidman.
My husband thinks she too skinny, but digs Queen Latifah. I think really that a lot of men like women who are um, shapely.
@jrhys: In college my friends were mostly film majors—some actually did ok—but ha ha, that confirms it!
Man—this could be a field guide to guys you don't want to date. Left to right: the preener who intrudes on personal space; the hipster past his prime; the Irish prince with daddy and mommy issues and the married broker who tries to maintain his moves . . .for the ladies.
Yeah, my poor teenage son has been warned about always using a condom and he doesn't even date yet. And having the baby, and having your friend lie —- i get the feeling that most millionaires would try to keep these things all discrete (hotels in the middle of the night? bringing the baby? having your friend take you…