
I love the look on Georgia King face

Human kind fucking the world into submission one species at a time

Oh thank you did not know that

Speaking of Mulan did it seem funny that they cast Donny Osmond as the voice actor for the lead male character who's name i cant' remember and not an asian actor


Thank you for the laugh

Because you're speaking up for then and not themselves am pretty sure theres a fair bet of WOC that come to this website (and others) but every time something race related comes along the only people that seem to speak up are the racist, black, and/or white people.

Am I the only who thinks without him being born in to a well to do family he would not be in the position that he is in right now ?

That sounds like fun

Best Thing Ever

lol. That is all

I got Super Black Man from it

Me too

You and people like you are the reason science and math are not more prominent in are culture

This would be a perfect spring board for a Justice league Movie

She's the same Pantone has the Guy