
@brickyard: Cull the herd? (or unheard as it were).

@offyatindy: I feel your pain. Having been out of the loop for a few days, I find I have 'awoken' to find a whole new Jalopworld. I’ve been frequent Jalopnik reader since’04 or ’05- back before there were comments. Since late last year, I have begun attempting to exercise greater consistency in remember user names

Quote from Green after the accident, "That uppity [landscaper] hit me upside the head with a shovel. I'd appreciate it if you could find it in your heart to hang him up his neck until he was dead."

@.357: Could Bernie Ecclestone be behind all of this?

@.357: Could Bernie Ecclestone be behind all of this?

@Ash78: Bloody nice choice of words.

@Schm wishes he could bring back the funny. .: Maybe I got exceptionally lucky last month - I had a very enjoyable ride. It was way more comfortable and much less hassle than any regular fair air flight I've taken. The ease of getting from point A (Stamford, Ct) to point B (Kingston, RI) was remarkable. It rivaled my

I love it when bikes get inexplicable air during chase sequences. I like to fantasize that there is some sort of front brake suspension preload + rev clutch pop sequence that will actually give you air without any sort of ramp necessary. I've tried it to no avail - about the best I can muster is a an awkward and

@Meat Farley: ...and who's dangermobile features a button to play Guantamera whenever the circumstances demand it.

@flyingstitch: They'd be completely useless against shopping carts.

Anyone the utility of the cables going from the fenders to the roof rack? Perhaps the vehicle's had an engine swap that produced such explosive top gear acceleration that he roof rack had a tendency to slide off the back. I got nuthin.

@Bailout: Very well put. Speaking of high horses (more like armchairs), I suspect most here have never ridden an Amtrak train.

@mechimike: "Thank you. Really. Thank you..." waves to the audience

I got the Bison wrong, I guessed taTonka instead

@Andy Wallwhore: you might need to beef up the L brackets if you do.

@sos10: Much cleaner lines, less design by committee, revised by another committee, revised to fit another chassis, then finally to production. This thing went straight from napkin drawing to dealer lot.

It looks like the body is made of formica over plywood with rubber t-molding edges. Actually it reminds me of something off of the Electric Company circa 1971. It looks hand drawn. Literally.