
Same here :-(

Same here :-(

This is why it’s used as thickening agent in dishes like gumbo

I understand, its a texture not everyone loves.

I don’t ride (crashed when attempting to learn, never went back) but this cafe racer does look like a bunch of fun!

thanks for the video, i’ve bookmarked it to watch later.


If this is what the future looks like... I like it!

Batman would approve.

cannot unsee LOLOLOL!

Saw a GLA in traffic yesterday, I must admit I did a double-take, but then again I’m a hatchback fanboi.

I see what they are trying to do with the rear end: a bit of Fairlady Z DNA

Too pretty to make it to production, any of it (CF/lights/accent-lights)

Good catch!

Nice try Nissan, you almost had me fooled: Auto-shifter pretending to be manual gear lever ugh...

Transaxle tunnel for RWD or cup-holders for rear seats? Hmmm

Hmm, missing a pedal...

meh, i’m not sure it matters as much to me now. I would only be buying an XBone for Forza and Halo... (because nostalgia?) which is kinda silly when the console costs so much. (full disclosure: I own a PS4 already). Maybe in another year or so...


Matt, I haven’t played Forza since Forza Horizon; do they still offer a split screen versus mode (ie “couch-multiplayer”) or is ALL multiplayer experience online?

Checks wallet...
Checks financing options...
Checks value of all items that could be pawned for downpayment...