If this engine works, being as powerful and efficient as they say, I wonder if they would then be able to carry enough fuel with them to Mars for a round trip?
If this engine works, being as powerful and efficient as they say, I wonder if they would then be able to carry enough fuel with them to Mars for a round trip?
I’ve been proud papa to two rescue kittens for 2 years now. There really is no easy way to deal with the fur. I don’t sweep or swiffer: I vacuum every morning. I use one of the Dyson handhelds and it has been a godsend. I just do floors and clean the litter bins in the mornings, couches get done on weekends but can…
I built my new PC this summer expecting a recommended spec requirement for this game by now. Only thing I didn’t buy was the video card (in case Mr Roberts goes crazy and adds Occulus support). Sigh. I wish they would finish the damn game soon. I grew up on Wing Commander, but I’m losing faith in Chris Roberts over…
Miata + trailer = most Jalopnik answer of the day!
hah oddly enough my old hand-me-down hilux was a ‘94. So I admit I’m being more nostalgic than logical in my argument.
old people.
you must not have read the same article...
You get a star for that, I am about to get a trailer and hitch for my CX5 so I can give up on my hopes of an efficient small truck.
I don’t want a hypermiling truck that’s for sure, but seriously why can’t I dream-of/have a mid-size (or smaller) truck that will give me better than 24mph on the highway? I don’t have the budget for more than one car, so I want a truck that won’t suck too much for a DD. you were right on the footprint of the car and…
As a former Hilux owner I must disagree. They’re not “dogshit” they’re honest about what they are: they are work trucks and they don’t pretend to be premium bro-trucks (unless you get the top of the line G limited). They are capable but not comfy, I’ll give you that much.
Same here!
I’m so disappointed, I’m just going to hang around here for the comments. As a former Hilux owner (and lifelong Toyota fan) who moved to the USA, I’m still bitter that I can’t have a decent small-midsize manual diesel pickup. Sigh.
Thanks for the early notice! Just bought mine.
Patrick, pardon the boring question but since I would want to daily drive this car: With a 1:1 6th gear, how high are the RPMs at around 70-75mph in top gear on the highway? That transmission sounds great for hooning about, but not so great for a DD with 70% highway duty.
hahaha I like that you “made room” in the bottle.
At any given time I have Appleton rum in my house (I’m a loyal Jamaican after all) but someone left a bottle of Bacardi Limon and I think I will use it for my next infusion as it is a bit too harsh on its own.
I made Peach infused Soju last month and the results were pretty good!
700ml Soju + 3 ripe peaches + 1 liter large-mouthed bottle (mason jar could work well). I peeled the peaches before slicing them because they were too ripe for me to give a good scrub. Actually it worked out better because the result was not dark or…
ROFL! That is a sad story, but hey you never know until you try right?