
Obviously the red moon is a sign of the coming of R'llor and his warrior Azor Ahai!

Exactly. There's being your normal Depp-ness and then there's couch-jumping and repeating "amazing" over and over again until it has lost all meaning. One is just who he is, the other was... well, I still don't know what the hell that was.

The scheduler also had to go on account of her being a whore and whatnot...tempting that poor God-fearing family man....talk about a Jezebel!

Not that cystic crap. It's NOT like regular acne. It comes on and hangs around no matter how careful you are with your cosmetics, and sometimes even the most meticulous skin regimen doesn't do any good. There's usually stuff going on with hormones, sebum production, cell turnover, etc. when it gets like that. Nothing

Yeah it's kind of a paradox. Maybe implicit in the message is the concession that we have to play by certain rules if we want to avoid the assholes out there. Like, use this product to put yourself on a level playing field with people who don't have to deal with assholes making fun of them for these skin problems.

She's our generation's Marie Antoinette isn't she.


Is he a supervillain?

Well, her and Taylor swift could totally come over and join me in my rum addled misery!

Pants are now optional!

And some of them still follow his 'teachings' after he told them he was making it all up. Yea i read about it. Need to make some time to watch it at some point..

That was such a good show. I hated to see it go, but they must have been paying a zillion dollars for the music rights to all the songs they used. It can't have been a cheap show to produce. But the guys all had such good chemistry.

Her wardrobe was ALWAYS so fetch. And yes, I'm making that happen.

I no longer get a feeling of authenticity from her. It seems to me that she's living her life as performance art (look at me!!), which must be exhausting. I like her voice and some of her music, but as a personality she's tiresome. That's just my two cents.

I interpreted it as being directed toward her old manager and R Kelly. She dumped her manager of years a week before the album release. She was cool with R Kelly, and made a video with him of Do What U Want, but after the Dec 16th article of his sexual assault allegations, she ended up scrapping the video, rerecording


This is the most exciting thing to happen in my life since Point Break LIVE.

I could look at it all day. Especially when I have Pandora on. Dance party in my cube!

Of course. I even leaned forward a bit.

Story Corps is the best!