
I agree 100%. It was nice not knowing that some of my distant relatives, former classmates/co-workers, etc. believed in some of the fucked up shit that they do.

That's gangsta Yo.

Really? THAT'S what convinced you how dumb America is?
Personally, I use my FB acct to comment because I think I should be accountable for what I say. If I feel like I need the cloak of internet "anonymity" to say something, I probably shouldn't.

That's why I only comment on the Jezebel Facebook when I'm shutting someone down. Now you know the name of the person who is calling you out. TAKE THAT.

My biggest pet peeve right now is all the people who post things on facebook about how important it is to 'raise awareness' and how that supports cancer patients/survivors.

Have you heard Adele's version? It's ahhhhhmazing.

It's funny how when she ripped up a pic of the pope in protest, people ripped her apart...ah the days before international sex abuse scandals and the Magdalene laundries coming to light! ah, when the church was defensible and defended!

Her life had been so damn awful up to that point that I don't know if the Magdalene house even compared. She has said that one of the nuns was kind to her and taught her to play the guitar. Which isn't to say she had a good experience, just to emphasize how incredibly difficult her childhood was.

I've been an atheist for a while now, but I still sometimes defended the Catholic Church. Then I learned about the Magdalene Laundries. It was the last straw for me and several years later when we all learned about how vast and institutionalized the cover up of pedo priests was, I knew I made the right decision.

me too. it was horrendous. my parents grew up in Ireland and were extremely stunned to learn that this happen. I forget the closing scene exactly but it mentioned that they existed until the 1990s, I believe. a really wretched part of the history.

I saw the film when I was pregnant. Not an easy watch. I also met and had a great conversation with a woman who was in one as she had a child at 13. Fucking harrowing stuff.

re: Magdalene house? Did you happen to see that documentary, the Magdalene Sisters. holy mcfuckerson. I cried. for dayyyyssss it was so deeply, deeply sad.

I always get frustrated that the small government crowd doesn't really know what they'd like to cut. When you press then on it or name specific functions it's clear how important ask if it is. Except maybe congress itself, they seem pretty pointless right now

It's not so much that the Republicans don't want to extend health insurance, it's because OBAMA did it. They hate him so much that from day one they have vowed to oppose everything he does. The healthcare law has been one of the centerpieces of his presidency, and they have crossed their arms about it from the

I find it obnoxious when people in my culture promote the stereotype that we are uniquely passionate. I've traveled around the world and have found people of many cultures to be passionate about food and family and other things humans generally enjoy. No one eats their kids anywhere I've been so when Rodriguez and

But like, what about married women who want the pill? There are a lot of us.

"I'm wearing a Walmart sweatsuit for ya'll. If that's not a demonstration of team spirit I don't know what is."

My 2 cents: a good relationship takes effort, but it's the kind of effort you're happy to put in. Like gardening...lots of work but if you enjoy what you're doing, it's fun, but if you hate it, it's miserable. Trying to make a bad relationship work just drains you and leaves you unhappy.

I was about to post the same thing - the Radiolab episode gives some great history on why the Native American Child Welfare Act was so important, but how it's really tricky in this case. And ultimately, comes down to two people who have now had roughly the same amount of time with the child and who love her and want