
It's like My Big Fat Greek Wedding. "Anita, Diane, and Nick."

You can use it to make vegan cheese, but I usually use it when I think a dish needs "umami", or a more earthly flavour, and some added thickness.

A guy tried to ask me if I was into ass play. I said, "Sure. I don't have a problem with getting out the strap on." He didn't like that answer very much, but I have been laughing about it for years.

Is Jemima related to Shaka?

Team Ben.

LOVE SCOTT FOLEY! I must watch Scandal. Did not realize he was on it. LOOOOOVEEEE HIMMMMM!!!!!

Yeah, I thought it was weird that she decided to leave. This is one of the most prominent, critically acclaimed roles she's done in a long time.

Yes, I'm sure your company is wonderful. I just hope they're fully enjoying it, since every day they're creeping closer and closer to the age of 30, when they'll find themselves alone at the bar at closing time, with nothing to warm the dried-out husks of their vaginas but the memory of your enormously adequate prick.

Good lord. Just when you think it can't get any more depressing being a Browns fan.

They are such a misleading breed. Who knew Satan could create such an adorable looking demon? I had one growing up because my dad had one growing up. Difference was, my dad's doxie was a charming little thing who balanced bologna on his nose and met my dad at the bus stop when he got home from school. And mine was a

I'm fluent in Japanese. Doesn't help much with my wife since she's actually Cantonese-American, and my Japanese is now leagues better than her Cantonese. Hahaha.

I've just recently moved to DC and the other day a university D.C. area geographer came into my grad orientation to teach us a little bit of history about the city and it's surrounding areas. The institutionalized racism and segregation that has gone on in this city is staggering.

I just realized I switched dogs gender. Literally no one will care about this but me but it was the same dog and she's a girl. I'm clarifying this because Lexy would be super pissed if she found out I used male pronouns for her on the internet.

My ex found me on FB a couple years ago. We messaged back and forth a few days and that was all the direct communication we had. But I looked through his profile and, like you, I totally felt like I won at life. He's still living in the rinky-dink college town working at a dive bar. He looked homeless with his

Shante you stay fierceness!

Well, the classmate was black, (as am I), so I'd venture that we both have a lot of experience with people judging us as a monolith and I'm loath to do the same to any other people.

I really appreciate that you (and several other people here) recognize that India is not some monolith. It's such a huge and incredibly diverse place.

Yes, I had the same experience in Southern India. But I also had no problems in Delhi, although went to other parts of northern India that had an umistakably hostile vibe.

Did you read the report where her classmate said she didn't have an awful and traumatic time there. I think it just matters where you are and who you run into. The hardest part about India for me was being a curiosity, and even then, it was only the people who mocked me for being different, not the ones who thought