
If you elect me student body president, there will be pizza in the cafeteria every day.

damn hard to believe someone who voted for trump isn't bright enough to discern extremely obvious sarcasm 

80 years after their introductions, people are still talking about Superman and Batman.

You’d think he, of all people, would heed Nancy Reagan’s advice to Just Sano.

Wow.  I hope you did jazz hands to reward him for his generosity of spirit.

This is like a Highlights magazine. “See if you can find all the 30s in this picture!”

Drake is a monster. Does no one remember that he used to pretend to be handicapped?!

There’s no reason to be upset given that the purpose of these various cameras and such is to improve public safety, so a phone warning should produce the same result. Unless law enforcement wishes to admit that these devices are actually about revenue generation and not safety...

More than the movie, that quote makes me start humming Civil War by Guns N Roses.

“Whomsoever holds this hammer, if he be worthy, shall possess the power of Thor.” This is what Odin says when he casts Thor out in the original film, so it holds that if you have the hammer you have Thor’s powers, including lightning magic.

But hey: Did you know that Steve could have picked up that ol’ hammer any dang time he wanted to, from Age Of Ultron up to its destruction in Ragnarok?

There’s always a contingent of Jeopardy fans who think any amount of strategy beyond “top to bottom, left to right” is ruining the game. I would like to fight all of them.

The show is dark and full of errors? Ehh????

We are Groot

Being a racist dumbass is not a mental illness.

Just because it wasn’t done this way doesn’t make it pseudoscience - it is most certainly very real science. You might want to get your blood pressure checked though....