
Couple of interesting facts here...

I didn’t want to bring up apple and get people all upset but.. damn.  People bitch about apples cables but how much better is it using lightnings cables than having usb, micro usb, mini usb, usb c. They should get rid of all of it and go with USB C, who cares if it’s 3.1 or 3.2, the consumer only cares that it fits in


It’s 45 pages haha 

Respected buggy whip manufacturer has a few concerns about automobiles

Why should I change my name?  She’s the one who sucks.

I do like how they started to censor fuck with a *, then spelled it out anyway.

Appropriate, since we are all surrounded by assholes.

They were probably concerned about being flooded with calls asking when the next meeting would occur....

Donald Trump uses his connections with the National Enquirer to blackmail the owner of a Newspaper he hates: Trump Derangement Syndrome

Hillary Clinton runs an international pedophile ring out of the basement of a pizza shop and assassinates her enemies: Totally reasonable, no sign of derangement here!

He died as he lived— causing unnecessary flight delays.

Nuclear winter is one way of reversing global warming, I guess.

Stone’s career in Republican politics dates back decades and he even has a tattoo of Richard Nixon on his back.

Absurd! I happen to have a detailed breakdown of their R&D spending:

That’s an absurd and outlandish statement.

While comics do bomb all the time, it’s still kind of a big deal for a big star to bomb this badly on NYE in a major city. Audience likely paid large for this mess. It makes her look badly unprofessional to be this unprepared for an event like this.

Not really seeing how this is ghoulish. You gotta pay your taxes. Dying doesn’t erase your debt. 

Maybe I’m completely misunderstanding 5g, but isn’t the answer to “why you’ll still need wifi” just data caps? Amazingly fast speeds for 5g is great but not if I’m still capped at like 4gb a month or something. Sure, normal internet can have data caps too but it’s not that low

you’re pretty naïve about how this sort of thing works. Unless google is TOLD THE NAME TO BLOCK they can’t block it. Because otherwise they would have to crawl every court order every day, then compare against EVERY ARTICLE they index, as google has pointed out that’s not practical.  Especially because without being