
Ruby-Spears, not Hanna-Barbera.

So.. Adric.

I'll have to watch later. But I can still beat it in one quarter. Best way to waste time in college waiting for a class.


Commodore used it on the Amiga to acchieve the massive 4096 color pallette in hold and modify mode. Mostly came up muddy looking, but better than the measly 32 or 64 colors in IFF mode.

Wow this pic lead to one of the greatest internet 'pwns' of all times. Guy liked it so much he used it as a desktop image. Of course he posted the image of his desktop on a forum. Too bad he forgot to remove the shemale porn directory before he made the SS. That was a day he will NEVER live down.

Just downloaded the tech spec PDF. Intel graphics. Booooooooooooo!

And the result (like it was in doubt). Same artist.

That's very nice, even though they were mostly posed for photos. I also appreciate the crispness of the shots. Very detailed.

They have Trolls? On the internet?

Isn't she also the Announcer in TF2? I smell new content.. with HATS!

Now playing

Obligatory Monty Python scene is obligatory.

Because we've all wanted to do THIS since the 40's.

If you like Brubaker (And I forgive him for poor old Sam's back story), check out his Timeless Man novels. The man can still write. (Start with The Point Man)

Haven't read th blurb from the Joe Simon book eh? He was designed as a Knight of America (The comic version even wears chain mail (tho depending who's drawing, it looks more like scale than chain). Watch some of the other videos. Steve gets by quite well using it. It's an extension of himself. It's more weapon than

Wait until The Avengers young Grasshopper.

mmm ... quite.

Yes! Yes!

Mind = blown