
Not hard to find. Requires a Commodore 64 emulator to play the Commodore version.

*#@^#$&#^^&#$ Image fail. Site fail.

Well you can be polite, but rule of thumb is:

Oh yes, but medics: walk IN FRONT of the person you uber you can block the knock back of sentry guns.

I've seen a double charged medic combo waltz right into the front door in 2-Fort go down and grab the flag while the rest of the team covers for them and then they go out the door. One Ubers down to the flag, they grab it. The other ubers up not ubering the flag carrier but can grab the flag and make it out the door

Now playing

Instantly thought of this scene from Batman: MOTP

You can thank the church for that one. In the reinterpretation cluster F of the King James Bible, they took the Latin Jesu and made it Jesus. You see the original Hebrew from the books of the apostles had named him Joshua (but the J was more of a Y hence pronounced Yashewa) now I don't know anything about hebrew

Meth is the real monster because whoever created this show was definitely on meth.

My folder comes out to 1.6Gig. Your milage may vary

No come on, tell us how you REALLY feel.

Yeah old cat pin himself gets a cat companion.

Oh in case you get covered in that repulsion gel, here's some advice the lab boys gave me. Do NOT get covered in the repulsion gel! We haven't entirely nailed down what element it is yet, but I'll tell ya this: It's a lively one, and it does NOT like the human skeleton.

I've replied to one thread but if you want to root your phone: Super One Click. it's really that easy

Super One Click. It really is that simple

Thank god Tennant never found a cat pin.

What everyone else said, AND the fact that the Fourth Doctor used two different control rooms in series (The dot walls and the wood paneled walls), and WHO'S to say that the doctor didn't use different control rooms OFF series (The series implies that a lot happens off screen so they have the ability to go back and do

Not quite. He and Adric went to Logopolis (the name of the episode) to fix the Chameleon circuit. They fixed it .. for one use. Then it just reverted back to the Police Box (I don't know about you, but calling it a "Blue Box" never sat right with me). Maybe the TARDIS LIKED that form?

The Pony Channel!