Now playing

Not playing until I get me some Keyboard Cat!

@Outrider: It was a horrible wishy-washy character with no real redeeming value (created sadly by Stan Lee). He was like a Disco/Hobo (think Mad Max with more glitz) super hero. They realized the fail and used his name to re-imagine the character as a feral human/animal hybrid. Eventually; fail too. I bought every

Real 2099 heroes fight with garbage can lids!

Why spell it out when its right...

If I see where they are going with the whole flash-sideways universe, I think they are about to merge into one via some giant Macguffin. Everyone is alive and well. The whole question is will Jack defeat Smokey (BTW I think Smokey is NOT Jacob's brother. He's another entity that takes the shape of people who are dead

@shanrulez: The polar bears were being experimented on by the Dharma Initiative. Hence the cages and the fish biscuits (season 3?) that Sawyer and Kate had to endure.

@Kanji08: +2 Internets for you good sir.

@DukeOfPwn: No. Season 2 is a complete mess. Completionists may need to watch it, but I'd stick to episode recaps (if you can find it).

@VenomIreland: I think Cuse and Lindeloff were pretty adamant about being "done." If there is another series/movie I'm pretty sure those two won't touch it (unless the price is REALLY right).

Ya know Valve made the right choice being their own publisher. Remember they were with Sierra-Online (now Activision) first, so this is like what would happen in the Fringe alternate universe. Ha! Saps on the other side PAYING for their upgrades. No wonder they want to destroy this universe.

@Sleet: Yeah, that's Einstein's Laws of Motion not Theory of relativity. EVERYONE knows THAT. We all know Einstein created science [sic].

@akirafan: Being an electrician, I understand why you could not put full power on the switch. However if you wanted to 'keep it real' instead of stepping voltages, you might try a low voltage relay + battery. Silly, but it works. BTW its still a nice jorb.

@Arnheim: TF2 won't run (on-line) without being updated. So yeah, next time you run TF2 you should see all in-game items provided you are playing with people that have them. Bonus: Ghastly Gibbus grab still works (pretty sure). So if you see someone wearing a beat-up stove pipe hat and dominate them, you get a free

Please note that when I tried to download the map from the Megaupload site, it made Norton a little upset. Wrap that rascal!

@Knoxximus Kiryu: Jus' go ahead an' stick yer noggin' in the buis'nes end o' that there 'Virtual Boy' there son. YEEEEE HAAAW!