
*Not playable on the iPad

@infmom: The best park about the joystick is its TOTALLY Hackable into a full blown Commodore 64 . I had way too much fun doing this little project.

Ah you silly kids. Disc swapping annoying? Try SEVEN floppies for the C=64 version of Pool of Radiance (4 double sided discs). My god! The pain!

It also shouts, "NEED A DISPENSER HERE!"

Just DON'T call him a MONKEY!

It's quite simple. VALVe decided to (for reasons explained by Octo1 - nice) not make the PS3 Version of the Orange Box, yet EA KNEW they would get Boatloads of money publishing it. EA used an outside developer to do so. Hence, if EA wanted to further support these games (Which they do not. EA is a money grubbing

Oh god!

Oh god. This so reminds me of: