If the Loch Ness Monster proves God exists, then what does Roswell prove?
If the Loch Ness Monster proves God exists, then what does Roswell prove?
Interesting for Spider-Man to actually have a New York accent.
And it can double as set for your Star Trek fan film!
And honestly, if they had not mentioned the head being Bush's nobody would have noticed. It's not like they had it pointed right at the camera.
Yeah, seeing how the movies are being distributed by different studios Hasbro probably hasn't got any say in the matter. But I wouldn't doubt the studios might be looking at each others returns, especially with a very crowded summer movie season.
I refer to Abrams Trek as "Galaxy Quest: The Serious Movie"
I wonder if the failure of Battleship might have something to do with GI Joe's rescheduling as well? Hasbro didn't want to have two tentpole movies flop in the same year.
I always liked the theory of vampires and zombies being different stages of the same necrotic virus. Early on, you are more like a vampire, but as rot sets in you zombify.
Sometimes, it's just damn tacky...#tips
Don't worry, the game will undoubtedly be out in time for Christmas.
Unsolved disappearances make such juicy stories. Jimmy Hoffa, DB Cooper et al. Everyone wants to play detective and solve the riddle.
The best confirmation of her fate might be a sonar survey of the ocean around the island. Her plane should still be down there somewhere if she ditched and made it to the island.
Kathleen Kennedy is awesome, and it puts Lucasfilm in quite capable hands.
Actually, it was about Bugs being offended about a low reward being handed out for rabbits (a hunting bounty) and him setting about changing that by a series of ever escalating acts of mischief, including sawing off Florida.
Probably because he just can't dig himself out of the mess.
I want one of those autographed.
I was really hoping they'd say it, and have Fury finish it with "SCREW THAT KICK THEIR MUTHAF@%KIN ASSES!"
Exactly! In light of the complete alteration of the timeline, what's really stopping Spock from sitting down with a bunch of Federation experts and divulging everything he knows about the next century of history? Things are officially fucked up, so what's wrong with using his massive amount of foreknowledge to try…