I do agree with the sentiment that New Formula Trek is just a lot of rehashed ideas from the TV series. The first movie felt like it was nothing but a collection of Trek Tropes strung together by a flimsy plot.
I do agree with the sentiment that New Formula Trek is just a lot of rehashed ideas from the TV series. The first movie felt like it was nothing but a collection of Trek Tropes strung together by a flimsy plot.
Swamp Hermit or Luddite I'd consider, but hunter gatherer filthy hippy is right out.
You know, I'd always thought about trying to make a Christian Zombie movie. Maybe there really is a market for this.
So, the worry is a few mad scientists in the employ of terrorists or rogue nations could develop a nasty civilization crippling superbug. Compared to the hundreds (if not thousands) of epidemiologists who can use this knowledge to get on top of this problem before it occurs and have a possible vaccine ready in such a…
Is it me, or does Sam Spade look a bit like Ronald Regan?
Quite agreed. One blogger I read pointed out Morrison has this inferiority complex about Alan Moore and spends a lot of his time in interviews trashing him, and the fact this interview comes on the heels of Moore's junketing against Before Watchmen makes me think he's just looking for attention badly.
Another dumbass in costume proving how much of a bad idea this whole fandom is.
Ma Kent, the only thing more powerful than Kryptonite.
I still say they need to do the Thing all CGI and voiced by John Goodman. Who else in Hollywood could deliver "IT"S CLOBBERIN" TIME!!!!" with the appropriate levels of Kirbyesque gusto.
I'm pretty certain there was a GI Joe figure that used the jai alai basket grenade launcher
I knew we were in the age of digital necromancy after that Orville Reddenbacher commercial featuring his iZombie.
Isn't this just what those traffic lawyers do anyway? Argue extenuating circumstances and run the issue up the legal chain till the judge dismisses?
The thing about Trekkies is a lot of it was staged. I know they got a few real people (including the lady who wore the Starfleet uniform to the Whitewater hearings) but there were also some actors in the midst. The guy with the home made Christopher Pike wheelchair in the parade is a comedian the producers later used…
Honestly, I found most fandom documentaries pretty tepid. Too many of them seem to focus too much of trying to prove how normal people in the fandom are, while wearing silly outfits and waiting in line for a movie for three months.
I've been following the exploits and utter failures of Bob Larson since the early 90's. He's been doing this exorcism shtick since the later half of the 90's (about the time his radio show started to falter due to too many people asking questions about his adultery and dubious use of ministry funds)
Thankfully, I just gave up caring about Star Wars after the prequels came out.
The creators of "It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia" really should look into making a sitcom based on the Silver Age Lois and Superman relationship.
I've got a supply of the casting gel and plaster makeup artists use, I've been thinking I need to sit down and get a face mold made just in case of a severe cranial facial injury so my plastic surgeon has something to work from.
So, Kim Jong Un is the anime version of Herbie Popnecker?
Glad somebody is doing something about getting us out there.