
They did go there...

Your name is

I saw the still phot of this a few days ago, the video is even more awesome

Clinton Spillsbury, you are forgiven.

I gave up on the Star Wars novels after they switched from Bantam to Del Rey. Most of them have felt like lifeless product with no real sense of adventure.

So, Professor Song's field trips are verrrry interesting.

My local library had a copy of this. Though the good Doctor is right, his naked ladies are quite absurd looking.

Dude! Somebody needs to use that in a sci-fi movie.

I'd think the motors and electronics might interfere with a theramin.

So, we know how needs to play him in the eventual biopic.

There is an alien in Star Wars that looks kind of like the Silence Called the Givin. And I'm thinking it's one of them.

So it's the battle of the cheap knock offs?

Of course, if I'm an evil microbiologist who has developed a zombification virus, I would definitely make sure a.) I have an effective vaccination against it and thus personally immune and can ransom the world with it, and b.) make sure the disease is a blood borne pathogen so that as the dumbass rednecks start

We need more famous literary interpretations such as this. I absolutely demand the existence of "Hamlet of the Apes"

Holy Crap, they are in town! I'm halfway tempted to book em for a performance.

And that first pic of the Scarecrow and Tin Man looks disturbingly slashy.

I would assume it was slavery and rape. Females of both species ending up as the spoils of war.

This is not Seuss! I must say...

The obvious goldbuggery of part four aside, he does make some interesting points about how he interprets the subtext of The Shining. I assume it is strictly his view of the movie, and not necessarily Kubrick's.

Now I'm suddenly getting visions of an action movie where the final battle will be Iranian Ninjas against Somali Pirates.