
Isn't the proper answer any time you venture truly into the realms of mad science is "Why the hell not?" followed by a round of maniacal laughter?

I'm surprised this is not the work of the guys behind all those wacky furry movies from Japan: "Calamari Wrestler", "Kani Goalkeeper" and "Executive Koala".

I think it must have been done on site, and I suspect they had some app for that purpose.

At least they don't freak out like cats or dogs in the bath.

Why not? Just about all of the chainmail featured in early movies was crocheted and painted silver. The Pythons complained about how wet they got during the filming of the Holy Grail.

I had this idea for a Firefly fanfic where Star Wars survives Earth That Was and becomes a religion in the verse. And the Church of St. Lucas the Storyteller is trying to eradicate the last known copy of The Star Wars Holiday Special.

And how much are each of these books going to cost? $35? $40? I can pick up a complete set of Second Edition handbooks (and maybe a splatbook) for that.

I recall seeing Space Island One on the local PBS affiliate back in the 90's, though I don't think they carried much beyond the pilot episode. Thanks for reminding me about that!

I could only see Benedict as either a Vulcan or Romulan

The of the the week storytelling is probably the fault of having Brannon Braga as showrunner. Too much of this series felt like they were cribbing old Star Trek scripts and presented nothing new or original.

Perfect! I look forward to the Rifftrax for this one! Maybe we can make it a double feature with the 1962 original.

In other words, more of the same.

Well, it actually looks like a GI Joe movie, unlike Team America: The Almost Serious Movie

One of the objects in his possession was a copper axe. An object that would have been highly valuable to the still mostly stone age tribesmen of that time. If he was some kind of criminal, it's hard to see why his killer didn't take that valuable artifact in retribution. The speculation that Otzi was some kind of

And I think we have the guest villain for the next MegaShark movie.

Probably act as a net to capture prey.

Probably acts as a net to capture prey.

And no mention of the time Discworld's Death took on the role of the Hogfather?

If he's so tough and out each night staring down drug pushers, then why was he running away from a drunken girl half his size and weight when he and his cohorts got busted by the cops?

If you look closely you can see Brannon Braga in the background cribbing from old Star Trek scripts.