Cue the Bad Horse Chorus!
Cue the Bad Horse Chorus!
I think the 90's was the last time there was anything resembling a civil discourse between the publishers. Ever since Quesada took over as EiC he's been making a bunch of negative comments on DC and DiDio has bee returning the favor.
So, this is the beta test of Crow?
I'm thinking it's the other Nazi on the ground. Miniature time travelers from the future trying to make the July 20th plot actually work by replacing Friedrich Olbrict.
There were the Statutes Regarding Underage Wizardry, Harry was thought to have broken them in the second book with that hover charm.
Has the computer rechecked to make sure it isn't just grit on the screen?
That was my assumption as well.
I'm assuming this is test footage. I think I've seen the completed video at one point, and it had a fully rendered environment.
I hope the poster is just temp effects, not final product. Else I'd be checking that those books for some Bialystock worthy shenanigans.
I wouldn't expect a new Trek series before 2015 at least. They will probably milk the Nuverse movies for at least a trilogy and then bring it back to TV.
There is a black American actor Tony Head (full name Anthony Devon Head), and I think SAG rules require the distinction to prevent confusion. So probably that's why he's credited by his full name.
There is a theory which states that if ever anyone discovers exactly what the Universe is for and why it is here, it will instantly disappear and be replaced by something even more bizarre and inexplicable.
Not quickly enough to prevent human famine I would think.
Actually, if it included a "build a figure" noseless Matt Smith that would have been pretty cool, but just random body parts are kind of lame.
Yeah, the Belugas are probably not in for such a good time after the photo shoot.
ie. an actual human being :)
Here's the whole photo stream from one of the participating scienetists
I still say I'd rather see Christopher Judge (Teal'c from SG-1) in the role and make it a Blaxploitation/Kung-Fu Grindhouse flick with Iron Fist.
Well, I've heard of at least two different Batmen running about.