
I recall a lot of Prophecy "experts" claimed the Chernobyl disaster was that particular sign and claimed that the Russian translation of Chernobyl was wormwood.

Well, it better not happen before Doctor Who or I will be very cross with Jesus.

Oh hell yeah! Maurice definitely needs to voice Kirk, and at least one Wellesian villain.

The only question I have is when does the Riftrax for this movie come out?

Sounds like what I expected from a production created largely to cash in on the Tea Party movement and also secure the film rights just in case Brad and Angelina ever get around to making their monumental version of it.

I'd go with building the All Terrain Tactical Enforcer myself. The balancing systems on the AT-AT would be rather tricky compared to the squatter, more load balanced six legs of the Enforcer.

Now playing

Here's the worst disco song about intergalactic boinking

But this does give us the possibility of Jason X vs Predator vs Aliens!

I assume the Doctor is lying about his age, he's been in his 900's since the fourth Doctor.

Personally, I'd go for a series of direct to DVD movies that follow up on the characters from all the previous series. Riker's command of the Titan, Sulu's command of the Excelsior, what's happened on DS9, and where have the Voyager crew gone since their return. Sure, it wouldn't be the big budget prject like Abram's

Run off the cliff in one of those giant zorb balls. That should cushion your fall, and make that backwater into new tourist attraction of the outer system.

Sweet Smurfin' Jesus. What have we done to deserve this?

I recall talk of that very plan a decade or so ago. Rather pathetic on Hollywood's part.

Of course, taking family photos has gotten kind of awkward since that business with Pluto.

Robert Zemeckis: Put down the motion capture software RIGHT NOW!!!

Actually, they are moving Tax Day to the 18th due to some holiday this year.

I must remember to illegally download this movie once it hits theaters, not to watch it, just on the principal of the thing.

Or just looking for a paycheck.