Here's hoping the damn things get regularly hijacked by hackers intent on using them as targets for underground robot fighting matches.
Here's hoping the damn things get regularly hijacked by hackers intent on using them as targets for underground robot fighting matches.
@DarkPsion: Yes, we need a guy in a red miniskirt running about destroying as many of these things as possible.
@TheAlmanac: If he did, I'd love to see the machine that did the encoding :)
The Penguin puppet does a decent Kevin Murphy impression.
Robert Downy Jr. voicing Mr.Peabody? Bah! They should have gone with Stephen Fry.
@99TelepodProblems: Good name!
@Smeagol92055: Now there's some steampunk I could get behind!
@IraeNicole: I get the impression a lot of these festival appearances are about shopping it for a DVD release.
Science: Futilely battling against stupidity since the dawn of time!
Hmmm, sounds like it has some potential, I'll defintiely be on the lookout for this.
Boy, Raul Julia performed in a lot of crap in his life didn't he?
@matthewabel: As long as he's played by Isaiah Mustafa!
I'm just wondering how had it was for the Doctor to keep a straight face while writing this.
@jamesryan: Thank goodness...
So how do you kill digital zombies?
This and The Extraordinary Adventures of Adele Blanc-Sec are the two movies I am actually interested in seeing, and no word on when they are coming to America.
You have to realize of course, this is all just part of Dolph's continuing treatment to prevent further remissions of fame.
@jabber: Becasue like all B movie producers, he does two things very well:
You open the article with the phrase "much ballyhooed" I can't be the only one who saw that as "much Bialystock"
I expecting the characters to look cartoony. The complete absence of any Berkley Breathed inspiration in the character design just killed any potential fun or interest in this movie.