
You know Joss, if you really want to screw with the Kazuis you should make certain your name is attached to the project. That way, we can be certain the studio suits will prematurely kill it.

@Bill-Lee: I read one short story where they created Lunar Penal colonies, and some people went out of their way to commit crimes to get themselves sent there.

@JL: Yeah, Cyberpunk lost a lot of it's original meaning when Keanu Reves and his patent leather fetish wear came along.

@lelandjs: Really? He's quit? Which means we'll never get to see his psychotic mermaid in the African jungle movie he was promising for a few years?

This is the worst Harry Potter rip off I've run across. The kid (named Max Majeck) is given a magical book and is transported to a world of Renaissance Festival performers who are at war with a guy who looks like Tim Curry as Darkness from Legend, but acts like Tim Curry as Frank N Furter from Rocky Horror. There

@Asha L Kydd: Right! With sufficient fortification, a decent number of survivors, and well planned strategy for dealing with the zombie hordes you should be able to clear out most of the walking dead in the immediate vicinity of your stronghold.

My bet is Boll filmed Auschwitz, Blododrayne 3, and Blubberella at the same time. One day on the set they are doing Nazi torture porn, next it's chicks kicking butt, and then it's wacky shenanigans with our plus sized heroine.


What? No mention of "Overdrawn at the Memory Bank?"

I subscribe to the idea that Uwe Boll is part of Germany's penance for World War II. They have to keep giving him money to make movies or he's going into politics.

Well, there is a long tradition of crappy Disney rip-offs. I recall back in the 90's when Disney was cranking out their biggest animated features you could always find whatever was playing in the theater sitting on the shelves (in those big white clamshell VHS cases too!) at your better grocery store checkouts or

@FrankN.Stein: Disney's Thai connections are probably pretty limited and it just isn't worth the time and money. I recall The Asylum has been sued at least once over their mockbusters and yet they persevere.

@Lucky_Gorsky: Doing it once for laughs is one thing, but he turned this into a habit and got people to pay him for it. He's lost any sympathy in my book.

@Mecharine: I'd say add the Doctor Gangrene character John Astin played in the sequels as the main villain.

Remember NELL!

Eh, I'm really not seeing her as Lois