
Filming around New Orleans? Maybe they will be blowing up the abandoned Six Flags amusement park as aprt of the movie.

I somehow suspect Davros will be involved. Rallying the remnant Goldies under his flag?

The #8 Tron hoodie looks kind of cool.

What we need to do is digitally insert the Dancing Predators into Predator 2, and finish up with Danny Glover just walking away declaring "I'm getting too old for this shit"

@Smeagol92055: Hey, money is money, and there probably was a vacation in Florida in the deal as well.

@jonconnington: Clearly, someone took the wrong message from seeing "The Producers"

Holy Max Bialystock Batman!

As long as Cap punches Hitler I'll be happy.

X should have been Xemnu the Titan

Anyone else think this is just a clever excuse for a bunch of Grad Students to charge their bar tab to their University?

Being familiar with "deliverance ministry" the Evangelical equivalent of the Catholic Rite of Exorcism, I'm quite glad to see this movie coming out. A lot of those involved in this practice are at best exploitive frauds and at worst dangerously delusional. The interest in this practice increased in Protestant

@Golem100: I'm thinking the steering mechanism is in the handle he's using. I believe the handle in the middle of the vehicle is the break.

@inverts: I think the device qualifies under the existing statutes for a bicycle. The driver and passengers would probably need to wear helmets at least.

Starforce shows us the value of recycling! They reused the body armor from Starship Troopers, the sets from Star Trek, and plots from George Lucas.

@Kenro199x: It doesn't seem this was an Asylum production, at least as far as I could tell from IMDB.

Micheal Palin mentioned in the audio commentary for Jabberwocky that Star Wars was in production at the studio the same time as his movie, and a lot of the crew worked bother movies. He said a lot of the crew complained about how badly run the Star Wars set was, and how much better things were under Terry Gilliam. Of

@FrankenPC: No just single minded Hollywood executives (and not the one located in their skulls)

In other words, the Web as we know it today will fall to the wayside like the Usenet did by the end of the 90's.

I've already seen it, and I'd say it was slightly better than I had expected, but not by much. It had a few funny moments, but it clearly suffered far too much from Frieberg and Seltzer's "lets point out the trope" humor and too much cartoonish slapstick. (Though I did think the vampire squirrel was funny)