
Let me add to this to the above, though, and i think this is important. Believing victims is critical because we want that show of support to future victims. It’s imperative that they come forward when something happens to them. Completely discounting even WEIRD events is what keeps victims from reporting abusers. A

What you see here hinges on whether you believe that “Make America Great Again” is a dog whistle meant to unite racists, misogynists, and homophobes under one umbrella, or you’re delusional and don’t care about people who aren’t white men.

So just be clear, we should not automate, wait for some other company (or country) to do so and put everyone out on the street?

How people get by afterwards is a worthy discussion to have, but a poor argument against automation. It’s the same mindset that shitty neighborhoods should remain shitty so people don’t get priced out.

The problem is, in reality, people who commit minor crimes go to prison for very long times, and they do not get out early or escape. In the comic’s world, criminals are in and out of prison once a week. And maybe that’s true for the Kingpins and Red Skulls of the world, as the rich and powerful are part of a very

My bosses always want me to automate things a step further, after I’ve made the process pretty slick. I always tell them, once it is fully automated, no one is looking at it anymore and if something changes it might not be caught for a while. That usually scares them enough to not fully automate a process.

If white people knew they could be arrested for calling the police for no reason on black people, we would start to see progress.

“Trump flew out to Iraq on Christmas evening, and landed this morning. He visited the Al Asad Air Base outside of Baghdad, where he spoke to a group of about 100 assembled U.S. troops, the majority of whom were members of the special forces.”

When they can’t name their emotions... they count on silly gestures they’ve seen in movies.

Emotionally immature. When they can’t name their emotions, when they can’t process actions and consequences beforehand, they count on silly gestures they’ve seen in movies. Ignorance and crassness that is unsupervised and met wth lazy, unwarranted loyalty and it’s easy to see they’re being manipulated by the

No. Your soul is removed when you become a prosecutor.

More proof that ‘stand your ground’ and other such laws are meant for white people and no one else.

I don't think the name is that great. Nothing really that surprising from the trailer. After what happened in Infinity War, people being morose and despondent would be expected. The only unexpected thing is Scott Lang being out of the Quantum Realm, but that isn't that unexpected.

Twitter is probably not the forum to defend yourself against sexual assault allegations, especially if you’re a public figure of growing fame.

Ignoring people on fucking Twitter isn’t “ducking questions”, it’s simply being an intelligent human being that values their sanity.

#BlackPriveledge amiright? #BelieveAllWomen #TheLeftEatsItsOwn

Bullshit. Not wanting to reply to EVERY twitter @ is not “dodging question.” Twitter is not a journalism site. I call bullshit on these accusations. #MeToo should not be just about believing at face value every accusation.

The reason homosexuality and trans matters are frowned upon in the black community is almost 100% linked to religion. So unless you have any resources to help promote agnosticism in our community...the rest of your measures are useless

Thank you for this!

Marissa Alexander got 20 years for firing a warning shot into a wall to scare off her abusive husband and no one was injured. But if convicted on a manslaughter charge Bad Eyesight Becky here might do like 5. Thoughts & Prayers