
But on Jezebel, a creepshot is just another form of sexual assault, which is sexual violence. You are revictimizing someone anytime the photo is viewed.

So, this is violence.

Did somebody say 'friend-zone'?

I told yall it existed. but nobody got time for that. Nowandays people either do beheadings, shooting sprees, or move the fk on.

As a criminal recognized by me state, I had an issue with the body disposal. Burning a body in a small bonfire like that does not get rid of the DNA. Bloodhounds will find them by the trail of skin they left.

Also, burning a body mostly cooks the outside. IT conceals the identity that is connected with the skin. That

That was disproved back in the 90s with Winnona Ryder.

Frozen is good. Quit being racist.

I'm Black and I am sick of Jezbel dragging women like Miss America, Paula Deen, and Hope Solo through the mud for the sake of clicks.

America itself has a mean history. I don't get why this is a story.

So she is the first woman to read the news on live TV in India?

You're catching a lot of flak for it, but you are right. I wish people would let psychologists and psychiatrists to the diagnoses. I guess I will have to change my own diagnoses to a "Professional diagnosis".

170 more generals.

And this is why we need intersectionality. Because in 2014 she is talking about more than just this. How quickly the mainstream forgets that a pregnant woman of color was given an NYPD chokehold for "cooking on the sidewalk".

There is this thing in Criminal law called "Intent". Study it.

I wish people felt this way about Hope Solo.

And yet, much of America that is opposed to Adrian Peterson's actions feel the shooting of the child named was acceptable.

Wow, going by the comments jezebel just turned into a haven for unsympathetic a-holes.

Quit body shaming.

I liked Utena, til the stair climbing got repetitive. I stopped before the Black girl became a love interest. never thought of it as a lesbian anime. I thought it was about sword fighting.

Someone prove she didn't and I won't believe her.

People are quick to forget Abu Ghirab and the public's rape and violent fantasies about prisoner treatment.

And last, but not least,
Police officers beating up people in the street.