
What you don't get is what this means. This is a very smart chemistry teacher in Texas. As much as adding "rape" to a group of words makes you clutch your pearls, imagine how she felt. She had an assortment of narcotics for a reason. Meth may have had it's day, but Rape is where it is at.

Just ask Ceelo "It's not rape

So you can support the State while they abuse children?

That is disturbing and questionable.

If that is what you got from that, good luck ignoring government sponsored child abuse.
What should be more troubling and disturbing is that this happens and the State will not accept responsibility for it.

Um, tell that to Ferguson, MO and gofund me. That and the Oklahoma Cop who is accused of raping 8 women who also has a gofundme.

According to our laws. . .

Realizing you are gay while writing for Orange is the New Black?

Suuure. Or maybe she just realized Black was beautiful and then realized she liked a woman.

That is a different way of thinking.

The whole unarmed black teens being seen as a threat recently kind of polarized me.

Wow, you are an idiot.

Have you really never heard of Ferguson, MO? Or Trayvon Martin? Have you been under a rock for 2 years?

The State is basically saying, "You can't spank your child, but a police officer can kill your child.".

People may be against corporeal punishment for children, but when the same Black children are getting shot in the streets after pushing someone, then people want to blame the unspanked child. The kid pushed another child off a motorbike videogame. Come on.

How about until America stops shooting unarmed Black kids in

Sure, people may be against corporeal punishment for children, but when the same Black children are getting shot in the streets after pushing someone, then people want to blame the child.

I wonder what her hairstyle will be 5 years from now.

After people saw the Darren Wilson gofundme, people took note and now made another gofundme for a White police officer.

I have never seen this happen for a non-white defendant.

I'd love ot say racism, but they are going under the "innocent until proven guilty" pretextual reason. This is hilarious because so many

So 80% of males are raping 20% of women or
98% of males are raping 30% of women?

Fascinating for you . . . . a major nuisance and criminal penalties for any person who bothers the deer.

Double Entendre!


That wasn't just texting. He made an effort to find new communication channels to bombard.

And racists talk about Ethnic names. . ..

It depends on the country, but as a pirate, most developed countries except the Netherlands and swedes have their own procedures.