
Yep, somehow the MPAA can do this, a comic book guy can, but JLaw's lawyers can't? What is wrong with this picture?

Thats racist!

Sadly, I think Gabrielle Union is making the worst mistake, but whatever.

My god is an 'it'.

If he changes his mind and spends it on Sex Reassignment surgery, I'd be ok with that.

Wow, all these studies on short and tall people. All of a sudden I realize my height is not in either of them.

Whatever. Negative people and pop culture chic women can claim geekdom and gaming, but it isn't like they will claim the 'perv' distinction. Right?

It may start when we stop rolling out armored vehicles on the dark skinned people. Or killing black people. Just a thought.

But what was he wearing that a 15 or 16 year old girl could rape him?

But what was he wearing? And did he press charges?

Why do people even have organs like intestine? Can't we just take that out just like this magazine did?

Pssh, I'm not even on a VPN and my e-mail sends my own e-mail junk mail while I am logged into it. Same with the ads.

Yeah, I have been looking into usenet and do not get where the newsgroups post articles that seem to be talking about (like where imdb started).

At the same time, this gives me hope that I can have certain rights restored from my conviction (which was not even violent, but sexual and not involving a gun) in order to try to pass the bar.

Which would you rather give a former felon, a chance at the bar or gun rights?

Please keep in mind that people that make the

Yep, people seem to forget that we make people sex offenders who think that way about teens.

Talking bout these Blurred Lines! I know you want it . . .

Please note how she is showing homophobia towards someone who is probably a bigot towards gay people.

I thought Obama renewed the VAWA to give funding to this.

In Georgia, as far as I know it is from the time you identify the perpetrator and know of the act. Considering Texas and their sodomy laws (and who knows what else), they may do things differently.