So Mariah Carey is a slut shamer . . .
So Mariah Carey is a slut shamer . . .
I didn't get it either. Who is her Target audience? Teenage boys? Women?
Yeah, if the South includes Missouri and New York. Sure.
If racism was only a problem in 1 region, we wouldn't have LAPD stories.
If racism was only in the South, we wouldn't have Ferguson, MO happening and it wouldn't be talked about because Black People would be able to escape it.
I notice no rape.gifs under this article.
Missouri isn't the south. And a lot of the Police Brutality is coming from the Northeastern United States.
Your geographical awareness is the most embarrassing aspect of your country.
I never said you were. I was making commentary.
I find it funny how people will defend drug crimes over behavioral ones with no evidence, like drugs can just fall into your lap., but a man doesn't.
Wait, whut?
But she was found .. . .not dead or murdered.
Obviously, you gotta lift, bro.
Yep, it is funny how a person already convicted of a violent crime has less of a chance of being shot than an unarmed black kid.
I totally forgot about that incident last year.
Is there more violence against Black people this year than last or is the media just covering it more? I can't help but think that it is the former.
But we already have the sex offender registry for that. I should know. I'm one of them.
You're talking to a country with a Congress that took $225 million allocated for better care for border children and sent it to Israel's 'Missile Defense System'.
That Maternity Suit looks legit.
So, she left the scene of an accident, right?
2nd Amendment . . . lets get her a gun.
Next headline: Woman uses 2nd Amendment rights to defend herself from a crowd of Muslims (who will probably be at a place of worship)
That Post-racial America.
Why did the President comply in getting rid of certain voting laws?
Do racists fixate on the personal lives of people's moms now?
But Kanye is arrogant.
Can we at least admit that.