I always get suspicious and think half of craigslist's ads are the police for some type of prostitution or whatever thing.
I always get suspicious and think half of craigslist's ads are the police for some type of prostitution or whatever thing.
If people want privacy in this day in age. .encrypt your stuff and get your own servers. Make your own ISP even.
Otherwise, go google.
I say this as a sex offender who the MPAA caught downloading "12 years a slave".
Why? Google prevented this guy from offending in real life again. Dude likes 8 year olds and apparently child porn.
Even as a registered sex offender (for teenage stuff), I honestly don't give a fk if google hands him over.
Well there are Rape Shield laws so if the media doesn't know much about the victim . . .
And the MPAA and others contribute.
It will be ok, people assume I am white too.
How about we get rid of the 'race' one first?
You guys are busy hating, but not doing much for Ms. Stewart. Yall let her get convicted of a felony. Selfish mofos. She had to go to prison for that.
Uh considering how society convicted Martha Stewart of a felony, she probably feels like it is insulting not enough people leapt to her defense.
Also, She is a convicted felon and he is not. And legally he is not a sex offender.
If they set your lawn on fire, it would be a felony. Self-harm that isn't suicide is not a felony.
Easy solution: Colleges will just defer to the police.
Yep, cuz a lawyer is an extra 3,000 anyways and the remaining legal fees cost as well.
As a GA sex offender, I wonder why this guy is not in sexual predator status.
No way he is level 1 or 2 after this many charges.
My personal level is: Not leveled
Shut up, this pregnant man is beautiful. Why is pregnancy threatening to you?
Not as bad as the rape scene from the movie. But both do look violent.
You see, as a registered sex offender, I now know that I'd rather be clear of the whole situation than to save her 'soul'.
It's so gay. I WANT IT!
Toddlers are like dogs.
They can drive, cause an accident and deny the collision even happened.
As a Chinese woman, I'm really very conflicted about Lucy.