Dude that Lucy movie looks so bad though.
Dude that Lucy movie looks so bad though.
(also form tumblr)
After hearing about it through the submission to @angryasiangirlsunited, i checked out the trailer of Lucy and am even more disgusted. and so not surprised. whiteness is getting too old.
Action movies make the face licking thing seem like . . a thing to do. The tongue in ear thing too.
#NotAllMen make more than all women. Minorities who are Women and Men make less than your White woman (main mainstream feminist demographic).
I passed 3 polygraphs already (sex offender registry).
What they never did was keep me on my meds that I went on after my arrest. My meds keep me awake and responsive. No meds, no body response worth anything.
Basically, I could say I have intercourse with cars and it would come up true.
I know a 27GB a month user who just got alert #2 from his ISP. Can't imagine what a 50+ GB user is going through.
I just got a 2nd notice. I think a 'neighbor' downloaded Frozen or Dead Snow 2 on my wifi.
They told me they stay under 27GB a month though, so measures may have been amped up.
Turns out this was as fake as a plastic vagina.
That is null when discussing Deadpool. You'd know that if you weren't a fake geek boy. Try again.
If you actually read Deadpool's comics, you would understand that that reaction isn't even snarky. So, you are a fake geek boy. You haven't even done research into the character in the story you are commenting on.
STFU, u fake geek boy!
Get me my Graveler . . .
So first offender deal = no conviction? *sigh*
Not understanding Nicki Minaj baring her backside for an album cover at this point in her career. Between that, the Malcolm X cover & accompanying song, and a few other parts, I just don't understand.
But meanwhile, many will rant about 'sex offenders' who are probably people who just wore a thong the wrong way.
Maybe many need to decide if they are trying to be modest or overt with sexuality.
Cuz men aren't sexualized as much and don't have as much sex appeal.