Hey, it is like when I didn't google Kurt Cobain's death and how he did it. Now me and OP are in the same boat. You showed me.
Oh lord. That would be like claiming a pacifist violently assaulted me or claiming that Mike Tyson and I had a love affair.
Ya got me!
What conclusions have I drawn so far? That you might be American? Oops, I guess I was wrong on that. Woe is me.
Meh. I'm operating on the assumption that her intent sprung from past knowledge of the lesbians on the team, and you are operating on the thought that these are questions a person randomly asks about teams.
Still, she is still mucking things up in Forever Evil. You you watch, after the Amanda Waller thing is sorted out. OMAC (controlled by the leader) is strong enough to think he can take on the Crime Syndicate (Big baddies) and Harley Quinn, Deadshot(her sidekick) and Waller will stop OMAC as soon as they wake up! First…
You totally missed the joke. Replace Nirvana fan with comic fan and you may get it.
Because I didn't know how he committed suicide, when he did it, what his birthdate was . . .
You missed your chance to lay down how I wasn't a true Nirvana fan.
The Harley Quinn comic was canon. It was just closer to focusing on her. In addition, you are ignoring that the new 52 is canon.
Lying about the OP? Or the stuff I requoted form the OP's words that were up there. Or am I lying about my opinion that it is fair to correct someone.
But Kurt Cobain died form a drug overdose and Courtney Love is a habitual drug user, eh?
But for Sexual predators who actually are nefarious enough . . .
Oh sh!t!
prostitution, but with debt.
Also, I still think you fail to see things without conflating them. Kind of like how you said Harley Quinn is defined by her love of the Joker. And yet, he is dead! DEAD! DEAD! Harley Quinn is still around and kicking.