Glad I don't do pornhub, but in the past I have loved looking at naughty bookworms. The glasses and the books make me so hot. But, my fantasy will never be fulfilled cuz they keep closing local libraries.
Glad I don't do pornhub, but in the past I have loved looking at naughty bookworms. The glasses and the books make me so hot. But, my fantasy will never be fulfilled cuz they keep closing local libraries.
Also, Harley Quinn being on a separate team kind of distinguishes her from the Joker. Also, the Joker is dead. he isn't even in Forever Evil, but they have Shadow thief recurring. And for the Antihero team there is Deathstroke, Sinestro, Black Adam(Yeah, Black people!), Lex Luthor, Bizarro, and some other…
Again for emphasis:
The problem was her lack of knowledge, yet insisting on commenting. And yes, I blamed her for a perception, but that isn't the main endemic problem you would have with Marvel's marketing department. It is like the anti gay bill in Arizona. They just don't want to serve you.
Now you're just fking with me. Injustice Harley beat down Lobo and turned him against Superman. Arkham Asylum Harley . . . fk it, even the costume was painful and I will never cosplay as that. But, main Storyline Harley is big in Gotham. She can cause all kinds of psychological chaos and real mayhem. Fk the time…
Where are these standards coming from?
Hush, in the only time I saw him with Harley, was when he was trying to kill her.
I never said you were assuming anything about your nationality. I said you have been assuming we lived in the same society and thus, things are universally apparent. Stigmas comes from societies. One culture's shaman is another culture's pervert.
Oh yes, now I see. You had cited it correctly all along. Considering the sample size was over 9000, it certainly did not run afoul of any considerable number of fake profiles or cats.
It helps serve us both, unless you are assuming that you live in the same society I live in. In the society I live in, women joggers get arrested for 'failure to show ID' after police grab them while jogging.
I knew about the suicide "boyfriend", but boyfriend/girlfriend pairings do not always mean sex. The person form Suicide Squad was Deadshot. And I don't think Hush and Harley would have been having sex on the rooftop, even if the Joker didn't have a blimp storm in.
I'm not assuming anything. I'm simply asking what the sample size for the studies you were quoting was.
Ok, you are an English woman who lives in what country? Because got forbid you proffer nothing of any region and expect someone to try to figure out who their audience is. *gasp*
Wow, I thought he'd have to pull a criminal offense before she called it quits. Either that or it was the many people thinking they had an Open relationship cuz of all the stuff he did with other women.
Shoot, if you want something to start writing about, in Suicide Squad, we are to assume that with clothes on Harley Quinn is having sex with Deadshot. And she makes a weird "This reminds me of a joke about a clown car" reference. No one has ever cleared that up. Sure, it seems to relate to promiscuity, but even if I…
I already said it. Talk about comics, issues, or storyline in society.
When I joined facebok in 2005, you needed a school e-mail address and real name. In 2013, I had become a flower. I could also set up fake identities that no one in my high school would remember. Sure facebook isn't 'anonymous'. It sure doesn't verify identities. But, I guess people's cats really do surf facebook.
Well, yeah. Libel is usually widely disseminated. It is part of how the damages are tallied.
'Owning the stigma' is also like the time I bought Magic the Gathering cards form Wal-mart and the female cashier remarked, "You can't be serious". I still bought the cards.