
Who took a crap in your Chevy Nova?

So, I recently discovered a great car show from the UK, “Wheeler Dealers”.....After having read all the comments here...Ed (the mechanic) has actually highlighted every...single.....one......of the issues below as common mistakes made by home mechanics.
I just finished marathon-watchign all 11 seasons...and he’s always:

So this place is kind of like CCC, except it’s not a club and you can eat there?

What I wish I could do:

Statistically, most Americans don’t consider England. No, I didn’t forget a word, most of us really just don’t think about England, never mind consider it “the motherland.”

So what the hell are the guys at Discount Tire doing for the other 83mins of my visit?

Why? Because it doesn’t conform to pre-conceived stereotypes? This is exactly why he have studies like this.

Hope the TG trio get picked up by Netflix to do a show their way

RIP BBC America

Okay, honesty time: How many of us would actually pull over and stop on the freeway for a black Monte Carlo with no police badging and tiny police-looking lights that's running you off the road in a very unprofessional way? I know I wouldn't. I would get the fuck out of there, and if he kept pursuing, I would pull

Rollin' in my Five Point Oh...

Here's an idea, why don't we let the automakers sell cars directly? Oh wait....

Traveling along is often far from lonely, it sort of forces you to make friends along the way.

Oh my god when will automakers realise that in the wake of a major recession us "youths" don't make any major money and haven't for the past 5 years. Those of us that stretch to actually buy cars do not go to the brand new market. It's a joke to expect a 22 year old to have 30k lying around to spend on a car.

Because they didn't explode and they saw they had a small pin.