You pretty much summed up all that is wrong with America's political system in that last paragraph.
You pretty much summed up all that is wrong with America's political system in that last paragraph.
Thanks! And CSB time:
I wish Johnny Law would crack down on people driving with dogs in their laps as hard as they do text and drivers.
Just an observation since I travel the country for my job working for an equipment manufacturer but people in Northern cold weather states seem to be constantly looking for something to do on the job compared to those workers doing similar jobs in the southern states I visit.
I am not a union fan but when a possibility of unionization exists, non-union workers are typically treated better.
Anyone who has traveled through a town called Rosendale in Wisconsin knows to follow the speed limit when you enter that town. Google autocompletes Speed Trap when you type in Rosendale, w.
For the sake of argument:
My 9 year old boy can't wait until daddy picks him up from school on the bike. Around here though drivers are typically pretty aware of motorcycles but there is the occasional lapse in attention.
This was my issue for years. I just bought my first Motorcycle a month ago. I can't have passengers until I am off my temps and get a regular license. My son is finishing up 3rd grade and should be old enough that I can pick him up from school on the bike without the other parents shaming me for it.
I love my 5 doors of fury.
I now have a good idea of what to put around my key hole. Thanks Raphael!
Not sure if anyone posted this but we(not me or anyone I know but Wisconsin car enthusiast community) have setup a legal defense fund. Feel free to donate to save the car from the crusher.
Someone told them that the girls in Quebec are hawt and into nerdy guys.
I feel the same way.
A few of the things Anonymous does seems justified, this I don't understand.
I was debating whether or not to capitalize the a.
A gun rack? I don't even own a gun, let alone several guns that would necessitate an entire rack. What am I going to do with a gun rack?
That is just too much in so many ways. I couldn't justify spending that kind of money to fill the tank up on that thing. Who would pay that much for something so impractical? $50k is a lot to pay for a show truck.
A quick GIS reveals that Concubine's boobs, like the car, have been modified.