That must be Concubine standing behind the car. She looks yummy.
That must be Concubine standing behind the car. She looks yummy.
I'm sorry Jason but you can't force a meme. They need to grow in their own organic way in one of the seedy corners of the internet like 4chan, reddit, or Fark. In my opinion the more recent it is, as far as cartoons go, the better chance of success it has. MLP:FIM? those f*cking ponies are everywhere. Problem is I…
Hey was a punk just like any other boy you know. (THIS was the first thing I thought of)
In Wisconsin we start early and often. Our DUI laws finally became pretty strict last year.
3 movies about walking. Even the trees walked.
I approve. Although Nissan raced the Leaf up Pikes peak already, the Evo will surely kill the electric climb record.
Great minds I guess.
Does he work at Mooby's?
Haha, Buttsecks.
This was once acceptable in the US of A. Older Americans call that time 'The good ol days'
ROHs keeps toxic chemicals out of circuit boards these days. But I agree, f*ck automatics.
Nice price. Cheap and awesome! No one is going to cut you off in that thing.
Drive defensively at all times. This has kept my last few cars accident free and kept me out of the hospital in another. I drive in a spirited fashion from time to time but I always keep an eye open for idiots (every car on the road). I just bought my first motorcycle and this attitude of defensive driving is even…
Glad you survived. It's stuff like this that made my parents lecture me (at 30 no less) when I told them I was buying a motorcycle last week. I hope if I ever end up in a situation like yours I have the presence of mind to lay it down.
Being a new biker I haven't had a problem with anyone yet. The only times I have issues is with bikers when I'm in my car. 1. The d-bag on the sport bike that is darting inbetween cars at highway speeds (no lane splitting in WI) 2. The Harley cruisers that drive really slow (20 under the speed limit) on fun twisty…
How about no. I give the guy credit for creativity and engineering though. but not $18k worth of credit.
Now this story went from neat to cool. Thanks for sharing. I was wondering what the dumpy blonde looked like.
Is Jalopnik going to be covering motorcycles on a regular basis when the new boss takes over? Because I would be OK with that.
Driving in a car with expired plates on a suspended license because you have 7 or more DUI's. If you don't have a license, don't drive. There is likely a good reason you don't have a license in the first place.