Destructive Tester

She totally got screwed, they never should have let those lapped cars throu… Wait, what were we talking about again?

You make a great point. I’d actually consider a subscription for a feature if paying said subscription essentially includes a warrantee that would cover the functionality of the service.

Growing up, every year my brother and I would pick a Christmas ornament until we left home. My brother and I still have the ornaments on our respective trees and my wife and I have already started the same tradition with our son (now 4). 

First off, I’m also a huge BSG fan and “33" is a Gods-damned masterpiece. Ep VIII would have been well-served to draw-out the cat and mouse considerably longer. They could have used some of the visual cues they used in BSG to show how long the chase was going interspersed with Ray’s training to make the two plots feel

AFIK they all do...  At least mine has for every set of tires I’ve had them do.

I kind of think what you outlined is what Johnson may have had in mind with some of the things he touched-on in TLJ. For the record, I initially had a more positive view of the movie than most. I actually enjoyed not having any idea of where the story was going and was intrigued by the theme of the Resistance being

I can attest to this. I used to be a trainer/ quality evaluator for a very tedious job that could have consequences. Supervising someone performing a task while ready to intervene at any moment to prevent equipment damage or injury is at least twice as mentally taxing as doing the task yourself.

The resale on them really is insane, but I’m also keeping mine until it dies or the heat-death of the Universe (I’m betting on the heat-death to happen first). I only halfway joke with my wife (she has a 2020 RAV4  that I didn’t bother listing) that our 4 year old son is going to learn to drive in my Tacoma...

1998 Tacoma TRD 176,000 miles, paid $9500 in 2012; average price on Autotempest (for 1998-1999 to get a decent sample size) about $9000 with at least 230,000 miles.

I’m going to bet its because carryon utilizes otherwise empty cabin space where checked baggage takes-up space carriers can use for air freight. 

That’ll never fly with the bro-dozer crowd. It doesn’t look like it wants to eat/sodomize the vehicle in front of it nearly enough...

Exactly! This isn’t the Type R, this is an LS (and an improvement when taken in this context). When someone says “Integra”, people think “Type R” and completely forget that this was also an Integra...

Your modern DIN take is kind of why I hate any infotainment suite that isn’t Carplay or Android Auto. Give me a touchscreen (mainly for navigation) that doesn’t do anything more than work as a second screen for the device plugged into it. Everything works the same from one vehicle to another and really doesn’t become

Throw in a dash of “Satanic Panic” and I think you nailed it!

Sounds like all my experience with Ford ownership... It sounds like you probably have a legitimate need for a HD diesel, otherwise Toyota ownership is an absolute revelation. You do maintenance on schedule at a time and place of your choosing, in the extremely rare instances something does need fixing it stays fixed,

It was a 2001 with the 5.4 Triton (which is in the running with the Northstar as the worst modern V8, the V10's are somehow worse). “Fortunately” for me, the truck had a multitude of other problems and I unloaded that POS before the spark plugs were due...

I know that is a diesel pictured, but the fact that that was the “easy” way to change the damn spark plugs on a gasser SD...  Someone should have been put on trial at The Hague.

THIS!!! The Toyota Way has gotten a bad rap because so many American MBA’s got copies and only ate the covers. The biggest takeaways should have been to intimately know your supply chains, use the limited production runs to implement continual process improvement, identify and mitigate any potential threats to your

Nobody looks at you funny if you have a BMW with steel wheels.”

My God, the stock tires on RAV4s are beyond shitty in snow, at least the ones on my wife’s 2020 are... We got caught in 1 snowstorm before we got snow tires for it (they were on order and 2 days from being put on).