
Are they really your friend if they use an Android device? /s

Any phone messaging app where you can also use a web interface is a game changer. Android gets this and you can use Android Messages via

So what you’re saying here is that it is my patriotic duty to the supply chain to purchase a kegerator. On it. 

Do you not have the option to watch live tv on your version of CBS All Access? Or does it lock you out when you try to watch the sporting event? I have never had that happen to me.

You don’t need a cable box to watch network TV. You can just buy a $10 TV antenna and watch for free.

The sad reality is that 4 states dictate what’s in public school textbooks FL, TX, CA, & NY. This leads to very different versions of history being taught. Especially when you have predominantly republican school boards. Which is why we have the Rated-PG version of slavery being taught in schools today. Where

Thank you for the nostalgia

I don’t know about you, but I’m not sitting near him at a restaurant.

Can you guys ask the venture capitalists to make articles take up less space? It’s kind of hard for me to watch both of the “recent videos” that started playing in two separate places when I’ve got four or five lines of text distracting me.

Where is the hoisting??

We’d need to set up loading/unloading zones on each block to make this work best, but I’m all on board. I’d become a google glasshole just to report cars to 311 and generate a ticket.  #FuckDibs

Additionaly, DeBlasio and his dumb vision zero, has literally turned main roads that were one 4 lanes (2 each way) down to 2 (single each way) creating large swaths of roads being unused, cars need to physically be somewhere, dont get me started on large double buses not clearing an intersection and blocking traffic,

UBER and LYFT have made things worse, the influx of cars has snarled all traffic, the purpose of the taxi medallions (aside from the money making scheme they turned into) was to help control the amount of cars in the area, since ridesharing apps have been allowed to operate, the influx is felt throughout all 5 boros,

I’ve pictures heavy lift helicopters with electromagnets. Swoop in, pick it up and move it somewhere else. First offense, just to a parking garage top level. No ticket = $50 to get it back. By the fifth offense it’s out to the ocean. Stop on the way to drill in to drain the fluids, but that’s it. Watching the Shame

A regular ticket for staying 2 minutes over on a meter is $115 so it will need to be a lot more than that.

Talk about tank tops!

BMW E46 watching on:

Joule thief!

I’ve just appointed myself CEO of Nissan, here’s what I do from a product strategy standpoint in the US:

Oh absolutely, I replaced it with a 2008 Volvo S60 and I’ve never missed the constant cycle of repairs. I do miss the old green wagon tho (and the space in the trunk)