
Theres an entire NYC instagram page about it

With the current age of cameras.... how come these leaked photos always look like they were taken with a 3.2mp LG phone

Its a Major problem in NYC where 1) dudes are driving around with their high-beams which sucks when are driving (even walking) and you can’t see whats coming up around you. Not sure why people have their high-beams on in this city when the whole place is lit up already. These new lights are a problem too because even

STOP LYING!!! how many times we been through the lies. Remember when we thought the next STI will look like he one above and we got the version we have now? all lies

Damn... Cameras are as expensive as ___________

you can put literally answer there. its nuts these pricess

Wouldn’t it be cost effective to use that engine in other cars if needed? i feel its a waste just to build one engine and not use it anywhere else. i also feel its a waste to have like 12 different engine choices for one car(ford did this at one point for the fusion and im thinking what a waste of money) if these

This website always seems to take a weird stance on subjects... everyone had just under 11 years to ask the guy a question about it. Why is it that you wait until the guy is dead to make it a hot topic. The guy has no way of defending himself. Look at Michael Vick you can hate the guy all you want but the guy did the

The next buddy animal movie

Damn this guy Jetstreamer probably just got greenlit

Remember when they took the fake stuff out in F4 and F5 those were the good days... now its why are people still going?

I was on a flight Going back to the states from Europe once and there was an open seat in business class as well as several other seats around the plane. My row was the only row with 3 people so I asked the flight attendant if it was ok if I moved up? she was like sure! let me walk you up there. The man who happened

They could if they gave you a non plastic interior and copy what Mazda is doing and actually design a nice interior

How come there isnt a standard for charging stations. Why does every company needs its own charging network. we are doing the same thing for charging cables instead of using one system that everyone can use

I still have my PS3 and i haven’t played in a while. i even upgraded the HDD also. was just debating getting the PS4 Bundle with the 3 games

Winter soldier (while and honorable mention) should be #1

How long is this going to work if CBS and Nickelodeon is owned by the same company? How long until CBS says screw it we are going to add kids programming to All Access and then pulls out of the deal?

Can you explain to me why this is misogyny... If someone writes a shitty book, it’s a shitty book male or female. Why does a gender, race, or sexuality always have to be the basis of someones argument? 

Wheres Subaru?

Its just a scene in a show... why have a problem with it. Why cant you watch something for what it is and not bring up something negative about the work