
My first response would have been why are we wasting all of this paper?

Minor league hats always have the best logos

Minor league hats always have the best logos

The e-bike isn’t the problem. the problem is these guys riding on the sidewalk when there is a street with a bike lane near by.... Start handing out fines!!!

So what happened after that guy threatened you? I’d like to know the rest of that story

At Least CGI isnt heavily used

If you want to eliminate traffic you gotta start ticketing people for blocking the box and also double parking on main avenues. Taking a 2 lane road and reducing it to one lane cause you’re waiting 20min on your girlfriend screws everyone over

Any one ask her what her response to what the Finnish are saying?

I live right near yankee stadium and the only issue is when you have a car trying to find parking when there are sporting events. Its still easy to get in and out because the train station is right there 

if it wasn’t for that Bugatti grill, you’d think it looks like a Ferrari from the front

I’d love to be a fly on the wall in the locker room after that game

Driving slow in the passing lane

Isn’t this the same way that Hogan ended Gawker? posting of private photos... How is AMI able to do this?

Aren’t you guys the same reason why Brady, Belichick, Bonds, Westbrook, Lynch, others hate talking to you guys cause you guys ask the same questions over and over again? It’s the ESPN scoop culture with the media, and instead of reporting other things or asking different questions, you guys ask the same thing over and

Was a Black guy... a little google would of helped you out with that comment. 

Maybe Affleck never wrote that script and WB was just burning time

Texas Pete Hot Hotter sauce is the best. Right amount of kick and flavor. You can put on anything. Tabasco sucks it tastes like vinegar(their habanero is ok) Cholula terrible, Tapatio is ok.

Texas Pete Hot Hotter sauce is the best. Right amount of kick and flavor. You can put on anything. Tabasco sucks it

Can someone explain to me how does maybe 25 minutes of screen time in a 2 hour movie earn you an Oscar nod?

Looking for a camera... any deals?

Looking for a camera... any deals?

Devil’s Advocate... Has Kapernick ever come out and said i want to play for a new team and take a pay cut in the past season? NO!